Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Michele Bachmann's Bizarre Health Care Claims

Minnesota Independent has the story. From the City Pages transcript of her comments:

He said that in Japan, to wait and get health care is almost impossible. You get on a list and you wait and you wait and you wait. But he said this is something people don’t know: in Japan, people have stopped voicing their opinion on health care. There are things that are wrong with Japanese health care, but people are afraid of voicing. ‘Well why is that,’ I asked. [He said], ‘Because they know that would get on a list and they wouldn’t get health care. They wouldn’t get in. They wouldn’t get seen. And so people are afraid. They’re afraid to speak back to government. They’re afraid to say anything.’ Is that what we want for our future? That takes us to gangster government at that point!

Strib and Rochester Post-Bulletin have more.

This made Hardball. Watch here.

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