Thursday, June 3, 2010

Living Word Christian Center Throws Bradlee Dean Under the Bus

The Exodus International blog:

We just received the following statement from Living Word Christian Center (An Exodus Church Association Member) clarifying how they had once worked with Bradlee Dean of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Ministries:

Statement Regarding You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Ministries

Living Word Christian Center (LWCC) did host You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Ministries on March 25, 2009 in our Senior High School Youth department. The speaker was Jacob MacAulay the chief operations manager of their ministry, his topic was on the influences of pop culture in our society. LWCC does not support financially or in any other manner, nor is an affiliate ministry of You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Ministries. Our faith community at LWCC believes it is the love of God who draws all men (people) to Him, not condemnation or judgment.

Will Bachmann follow the example of Pastor Mac and condemn Bradlee Dean's ministry of hate?

UPDATE: Minnesota Independent reports that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on the MN GOP to speak out against Bradlee Dean:

Lori Saroya, head of the group’s Minnesota chapter, told the Minnesota Independent that CAIR-MN “strongly opposes any kind of violence or discrimination against any group,” and called on Minnesota Republicans to speak out against Dean’s statement.

“The YCR representative makes at least three outrageous and incorrect claims in the radio interview,” she stated in an email. “That ‘Muslims are calling for the executions of homosexuals in America,’ that executing homosexuals is ‘moral,’ and that Muslims are a ‘foreign enemy.’ Statements like this show the level of ignorance and bigotry that exists in our country.”


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