Friday, June 4, 2010

Washington Post Article on Bachmann

Article in WaPo about Bachmann's fear of the mainstream media:

Now she voiced frustration with what she regarded as the "media's focus" on her "language." She listened to a question about comments she had made regarding a federal program designed to expand the national number of community volunteers, a measure authored by the late Massachusetts senator and liberal lion Edward Kennedy and signed into law by President Obama. She was asked about her charge that the program would lead to political "reeducation camps" for its young participants.

Dead silence came over the telephone line.

After a while, it was time for the mainstream media's next question. "Are you there, Congresswoman?"

The silence lengthened.

"Are you there, Congresswoman?"


Although she appears occasionally on CNN's "Larry King Live," these days she sticks closest to the shows of conservative commentators who effusively support her.


No figure was more instrumental in Bachmann's early political success than Jason Lewis.

Yup, we remember...

Good article, read the whole thing.

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