Monday, February 21, 2011


The most popular question I am asked as a designer is: Why is this bag/shoe/item of clothing so expensive?  To the untrained eye, it's hard to understand why certain accessories can be outrageously expensive, but I assure you, there is almost always a reason.  From where the item is produced, to what it's made from and how it's made- all of these factors can take a classic looking handbag and make it worth the price of an Audi.  Take for example the Birkin, or any handbag made by Hermes for that matter.  Although Hermes has begun to utilize machines during their construction process, they still hand stitch more than any other major brand on the luxury mass market.  A few months ago I stumbled upon a video of an Hermes worker creating a part of a saddle.  This is the type of craftsmanship that goes into every single one of their bags.  The price tag may be steep, but they're built to be passed down for generations, so if you think about it, they kind of pay for themselves...eventually.   

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