Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ECM Profile of Michele Bachmann

Check it out here.

DFL spin on Bachmann

Asked if 6th District DFLers were uneasy about Bachmann’s national attention, District Chairwoman Nancy Schumacher offered a quick reply.

“If by uneasy you mean are we embarrassed by the national attention, the answer is ‘Yes,’” she said in e-mail.

“In my state-wide travels, I can’t begin to tell you how many times people have said, you live in the 6th CD? What is wrong with you electing that woman?” Schumacher wrote.

Bachmann’s “rants” generate campaign contributions for Democrats, Schumacher wrote.

As for the Bachmann action figure and conservative women’s calendar, that belongs in the entertainment business, not the business of running state and country, said Schumacher.

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