Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why Is Michele Bachmann's Anti-Gay Pal Bradlee Dean Using Music by Aaron Copland to Promote His Show?

Yup, that's Aaron Copeland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" playing in the background.

From the Independent Gay Forum:

Copland has a particular interest for us beyond the merits of his music because he was gay.

Copland's homosexuality was quietly known but little advertised during his lifetime. It has now been elaborately documented, however, in Howard Pollack's recent biography, "Aaron Copland: The Life and Work of an Uncommon Man."
"Copland apparently accepted his homosexuality with equanimity. But is the homosexuality in the music itself? "

Despite being born in less tolerant times, after a brief late adolescent period of discomfort Copland apparently accepted his homosexuality with equanimity.

Read more about on Michele Bachmann's pal, and her upcoming fundraising event for his "ministry".

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