Saturday, October 3, 2009

Michele Bachmann Votes for More Entitlement Spending

Bachmann panders to the rich elderly with her vote FOR HR3631 last week..

A vote for 3631 was a vote to keep wealthy Medicare recipients from having to pay an extra $10 a month. Tea Party Bachmann voted to tax the rest of us an extra $2.8 billion so that wealthy Medicare recipients won't have to pay and extra $10 a month.

Taxed Enough Already? According to Bachmann we're not.

Noted Economist Bruce Bartlett blogs:

"In my Forbes column this week I criticize legislation that passed the House last week primarily designed to keep wealthy Medicare recipients--individuals with incomes over $85,000 and couples earning more than $170,000--from having to pay an extra $10 to $15 per month for their Part B premiums as required under current law.

I single out House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer for praise because he was the only representative to speak on the floor against this unjustified give-away. I note that tea party heroes Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann were among those voting for this bill [emphasis mine].

Thanks to Diane Rogers for calling this bill to my attention and to the Committee for a Reponsible Federal Budget for being the only group to criticize it that I could find."

Tarryl Clark needs to use this when she campaigns against Bachmann . . . we've got the highest foreclosure rate in the state and people losing jobs, and what does Bachmann vote for? Yup, protecting rich seniors from a $10 a month fee -- instead she prefers to tax the rest of us to pay for the rich senior entitlement.

I wonder what SCSU Economics Profession, and Michele Bachmann apologist, King Banaian has to say about this one.

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