Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Jack and I am a handbag designer. I should also probably mention that I am a girl.

Let me begin by saying that I have always loved fashion. Always. My father said that the first time I showed interest in being a designer was when I kidnapped a pair of scissors from my parents bedroom and proceeded to cut my bed sheets, blinds, carpet and my hair. At the darling age of four I learned a very hard lesson- not everyone is going to agree with your stylistic choices.

In addition to having sold my soul to fashion , I am also a foodie, a pop culture addict, a movie buff, and an indie rock music geek. I am Susie homemaker disguised with messy raven colored hair and excessive amounts of leather. I am a handbag designer who makes bags on the floor of my apartment, creating the worst living situation possible for my neighbors. I am someone who buys shoes just to complete my collection, because, you know, I don't have any brown suede wedges. I am someone whose worst addiction is multitasking, and constantly get bored when doing only 3 things at once. I am someone who has no idea what is going to come out of my mouth next. The one thing I am not is a writer.

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