Saturday, December 12, 2009

Michele Bachmann Featured on FRC's Health Care Prayer Cast

Did you know that deep within the Senate health care bill is a tax penalty for couples that are married? Or that in Nancy Pelosi's version of health care "reform" that not only is tort reform not included - but trial lawyers are rewarded even more? To learn more facts about this attempted government takeover of health care, tune your browsers this Wednesday night to

On December 16, FRC Action and The Call to Conscience will host a live video webcast entitled "An FRC Action PrayerCast: Government Takeover of Healthcare". Beginning at 8:30 p.m. (EST), this PrayerCast will feature a powerful line-up of speakers, including:

* Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council Action
* Lou Engle, Founder and President, The Call to Conscience
* Hon. Sam Brownback, United States Senator, Kansas
* Hon. Randy Forbes, United States Congressman, Virginia
* Hon. Jim DeMint, United States Senator, South Carolina
* Hon. Michele Bachmann, United States Congresswoman, Minnesota
* Bishop Harry Jackson, President, High Impact Leadership Coalition
* Pastor Jim Garlow, Skyline Church, San Diego, Calif.

During the webcast, you will hear the latest on the threats to the God-given right to human life through government funding of abortions, our health from rationing, our family finances from higher taxes, and our general freedom posed by the government plan to take over healthcare.
We will enter into a time of prayer for the nation, and our leaders. Your engagement and urgent prayer is more critical than ever as Congress will very soon vote on a final health care bill. Register today!

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