Monday, December 14, 2009

Commenting Going to Echo

Hi Folks - Commenting on Dump Bachmann has been converted to Echo (from haloscan). We'll see how seamless the conversion is. They say the conversion will take several days, so people MAY lose comments posted over the next few days. Please email me at, if you don't see one of your comments posted.

From what I see, I don't have access to approve comments since I've set things to convert to Echo.... So this means comments will be unavailable for a few days.

Echo will offer more features that will be useful for the blog. Most importantly, people will have to login to comment, and then I will be able to turn the moderation off. I'm sure that many of you will appreciate that.

UPDATE: It appears that the commenting has been moved. Please let me know what you think.

UPDATE: CM comments:

I have one little problem with the new comments section.

It seems to be placing the most recent comment at the top where the old system would place the first comment on top.

With this new system I have to read fifteen people telling me that Dare2sayit is an idiot before I get to Mr. 2sayit's comment.

Can we fix this? I would rather start with Mr. 2sayit's comment, then read the fifteen rebuttals.

I know we can't fix Mr. 2sayit.

Unfortunately, I don't see a sorting option to sort comments in ascending order. Part of the reason I converted, is that haloscan was going to go away - and users were given a choice of exporting comments, and finding another commenting system or using echo. Echo was relatively cheap, and the easiest way to go, so I chose the Echo option.

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