Sunday, April 25, 2010

Amy Klobuchar Compared to Michele Bachmann at GLBT Rally

Andy Birkey at Minnesota Independent has the story.

I called Klobuchar's office for comment. They indicated they were aware of the story, but their communications person didn't return my call to comment on it. I also contacted Monica Meyer from Outfront Minnesota for comment, and she has not returned my call.

Several hundred LGBT-equality supporters rallied at the State Capitol Wednesday to urge elected officials to move forward on key provisions such as same-sex marriage, a repeal of the military’s ban on openly LGBT servicemembers, and LGBT-inclusive immigration reform. Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Michele Bachmann were the expected targets of rally attendees, who say both are detrimental to LGBT rights. But Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar drew a surprising amount of criticism — from a community that votes largely DFL — for her lack of leadership on several key pieces of legislation.

Wes Davey of Veterans for Peace was especially critical of Klobuchar. Davey — who served in the armed forces for three decades, including in Iraq and Kuwait — has been working toward a repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. He praised Sen. Al Franken for being among 25 Senate cosponsors of a bill to repeal the policy as well as House repeal supporters Reps. Tim Walz, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison and James Oberstar.

“Unfortunately, Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s name is absent form the list of cosponsors; her lack of support for the repeal is difficult to understand,” he said. “Despite our campaign contributions and our overwhelming support for her during the 2006 election, Sen. Klobuchar’s lack of support has put her in the company of Michele Bachamnn, Tim Pawlenty, John Kline and Collin Peterson.”

“I’m asking you here today to say enough is enough.”

Davey and a woman held up a sign bearing Klobuchar’s office phone number. “Join me in making a daily phone call,” he said. “Please get out your cell phone right now and take down her Washington phone number. If you are visually impaired, I will read that for you: 202-224-3244.”

I hope the Minnesota Independent follows up with Klobuchar to get a comment.

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