Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where Is Michele Bachmann And Her "Titanium Spine" On This One?


Even the normally outspoken Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) was subdued. “You know I haven’t even really been following it to tell the truth,” she told POLITICO when asked about the law.

When asked about immigration more generally, she said: “People have a right to feel that they can be safe and protected in their own homes and on their own land, and that idea of the federal government doing its job to secure the city for the American people is something that’s been lagging.”

It seems like anti-immigrant activist, Dare2sayit needs to make some calls to Bachmann's office on this issue.

What is Michele Bachmann afraid of? She has no problem with inflamed rhetoric about immigration when speaking to her base on talk radio.

Here's the perfect ad for Michele Bachmann:

Just substitute Michele Bachmann for Vernon Robinson and you have the Bachmann Agenda down pat.

Here's another ad with a similar theme:

UPDATE: Bachmann dodges the question on Fox about whether she supports the Arizona law.

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