Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bachmann: "Do we really want the dollar's value intermingled with that of Zimbabwe?"

Bachmann was the keynote speaker last night at the Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner hosted by the Frederick County Republican Central Committee. Frederick County is not in the 6th CD... it's in Maryland.


She said Obama has been spending the country into a "debtor's prison," and that the national debt accumulation under his presidency is more than all of the spending of all other presidents combined.

She also criticized calls for a new international currency, rather than the U.S. dollar remaining as the international reserve currency.

"Do we really want the dollar's value intermingled with that of Zimbabwe?" she asked. "Well at the rate that Barack Obama's going, our currency will be worth about as much as Zimbabwe's if we don't get a hold on it."

Some more quotes from the video (Bachmann starts about 5 minutes):

"Only God gives liberty, freedom and only God gives the right to happiness. Which isn't just a license for hedonism. Pursuit of happiness means the right to your labor."

"We are unwilling to let this cabal of radicals pull the rug of freedom out from under us in our lifetime."

"You can't go because you have to write bigger checks"

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