Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools! Michele Bachmann Rally Attendees Getting Political Spam Already

Michele Bachmann’s rally with former part-time governor Sarah Palin is still one weeks away, but Bachmann’s campaign and/or the Republican Party of Minnesota have already sold the mailing list for the event.

Dump Bachmann’s watchdog in the Bachmann campaign reports that those who signed up for the Bachmann-Palin rally were spammed with this email from Tim Pawlenty’s Freedom First Political Action Committee yesterday:

From: Tim Pawlenty
Sent: Tue, Mar 30, 2010 4:39 pm
Subject: Pivotal Elections

Tim Pawlenty's Freedom First PAC

Contribute TodayRemember after the 2008 elections when pundits said the time for conservatism had passed?

They were wrong, and this November, we are going to prove it.

As I travel the country, I meet Americans who are cutting corners in their budget to pay the bills, while they watch in disgust as the federal government spends taxpayer money without limit. I meet small business owners who feel crippled by the excessive tax burden and have little incentive to hire. The folks I’m talking with around the country tell me they’re ready to fight back against this massive expansion of the federal government.

It’s time we say, “Enough!”

In case there is any doubt about the direction we’re headed. It’s been:

* 17 months since the Wall Street bailout;
* 12 months since the bloated stimulus package;
* 9 months since House passed the misguided cap and trade bill;
* 1 week since President Obama signed one of the worst pieces of legislation in the history of this country

But, the good news is this:

It will be 8 months until Republicans and conservatives all over our country are elected and take back this country for freedom and correct the mistakes of this administration and Congress...with our help.

For my part, through this Freedom First PAC, we will support candidates who will be integral to Republican majorities in the House and Senate like Rob Portman in Ohio and Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania. This organization depends on contributions from those who share our mission: you.

The candidates we will focus on are those who stand for America, not only the piece of geography, but also the set of ideals and time-tested principles upon which our country was founded.

These principles are not a matter of emotion or the pop psychology of the time; they are based on the history and wisdom of the human experience set forth by our nation’s Founders: limited government, individual responsibility, free-markets, right to life and service to others, charity and kindness and the innovative spirit that comes with freedom.

Please help support my Freedom First PAC so that we may elect candidates who share our ideals, and who will fight for those ideals as they correct the mistakes of our current administration and Congress.

With gratitude,


P.S. I will host my first-ever Facebook townhall meeting tomorrow night at 6:15pm CT (7:15pm ET). I’ll outline how Freedom First will impact elections this year and take your questions and suggestions. Please register here and pass it on.

We’ll be following the electronic and paper trail to see what other mailing lists Bachmann supporters find their names on just by signing up for her rally.

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