Dump Bachmann
How bad of a Senator do you have to be to have an entire blog devoted to the daily destruction of your career? What's even scarier is that Bachmann usually gives them more material than they need every day. If Bachmann goes away, what will “Fox News” report?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dump Bachmann Gets Plugged on Comedy.com
Michele Bachmann Has Health Care Tele-Town Hall with Minnesota Majority
From: Minnesota Majority
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:14 PM
Subject: Reminder: Tuesday Tele-Town Hall on Health Care Reform
You're Invited - Influence Legislation with Townhall Meeting Alerts
Tele-Town Hall on Health Care Reform
Bachmann and BurgessMJust a quick reminder to be sure to try to participate in our Tele-Town Hall Meeting on Health Care Reform being held on Tuesday, September 29.
Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Congressman Michael Burgess, MD will update us on the most recent developments in the health care debate now occurring in Congress.
We will review some of the ethical and financial dangers of President Obama's health care plan. We will also discuss a number of alternative health care reform proposals, answer some of your questions and let you know what you can do to have your voice be heard.
The outcome of the debate in Congress will likely affect the health care services that will ultimately be available to your and your family. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation in this rapidly-moving debate. That's why it's important to participate in this Tele-Town Hall so you can be fully informed and up-to-date on the latest developments.
Here are the details:
DATE: Tuesday, September 29, 2009
TIME: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Central Time
Minnesota Majority has a health care issues paper that used to include this language:
FACT: The U.S. health care system serves the most diverse racial and ethnic population of any country in the world. This fact adversely affects every statistic by which we are compared to other countries. Black women, for a variety of reasons, are more prone to underweight babies than are Caucasian and Asian women. It is not surprising that Sweden has a lower infant mortality rate, or that Japan has a longer life expectancy than the United States does. They are nearly racially pure: we are not.
FACT: There is a direct correlation between two parent, marriage-based families and lower infant mortality rates. We need to do everything we can do to maintain traditional marriage.
Reporters should get Michele Bachmann to comment on this. Minnesota Majority has since scrubbed their website a bit. The paper now reads:
FACT: The U.S. health care system serves the most diverse population of any country in the world. This fact affects statistic by which we are compared to other countries. Black women, for a variety of reasons, are more prone to underweight babies than are Caucasian and Asian women. This fact contributes to Sweden having a lower infant mortality rate and Japan having a longer life expectancy.
Preparing for Winter
The farmers here also stored their harvested apples in a cool room for utilization in winter.
Preparing for Winter
The farmers here also stored their harvested apples in a cool room for utilization in winter.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What's Michele Bachmann Done for Her District?
MINNEAPOLIS – 9/28/2009 – In a stunning development to Brian Falldin’s challenge to Michele Bachmann’s constituents, a conservative caller named “Bob” defended Michele Bachmann’s poor record in Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District by saying conservative voters elected her “to not do anything.”
The call came in on Minnesota Matters, a progressive radio show on AM950 KTNF The Voice of Minnesota. Earlier in the segment, Brian Falldin along with Tommy Johnson and Dusty Trice reiterated the challenge to Michele Bachmann’s constituents to name one significant thing Michele Bachmann has done for the district she represents.
“While we hoped for someone to call in and tell us about some specific legislation Rep. Bachmann had authored, we were stunned by Bob’s remarks,” Brian Falldin said.
In what can only be described as a stunning revelation regarding conservative politics, the fact that Michele Bachmann has not done anything is precisely what conservatives expect and reward according to the conservative caller.
Brian Falldin remains optimistic that Bob’s views are in the minority and conservatives and progressives alike want their representatives to actually do work on behalf of their constituents.
Here's Bob's call:
Brian Falldin's challenge still stands:
Unless you consider Bob’s call last night to be the answer to my Bachmann challenge, I’m still waiting for an answer to my initial question.
What has Michele Bachmann done for the 6th Congressional District? Name one positive thing she’s done or significant piece of legislation she’s spearheaded to benefit the district.
Dare2sayit hasn't commented on this matter. Come on Michele Bachmann supporters - you must be able to come up with something?
One reader here did point out that Michele Bachmann signs autographs.
I Predict A Surge in the Dry Cleaning Industry
Bachmann is 'Miss November' in conservative think tank's calendar
By Eric Roper
September 29, 2009
There seems to be a major appetite for Michele Bachmann merchandise these days.
Last week she was made into an action figure. Now Michele Bachmann has her own spot on a 2010 calendar highlighting conservative women.
The Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute, a think tank geared toward female conservatives, released the “Great American Conservative Women” calendar this week.
It features 11 conservative women, including former Miss California Carrie Prejean, who made national headlines this spring when she did not support gay marriage during the Miss USA pageant. A group shot of all the women features Bachmann and Prejean standing next to each other (below).
Bachmann (Miss November) is the only member of Congress featured on the calendar. Beneath her picture is the following quotation: “Since the fall of Adam, freedom has not been the natural condition of man. However, America has chosen to light a candle, rather than curse the darkness, with the bright promise of life, liberty and freedom.”
Other women highlighted include Bay Buchanan, S.E. Cupp, Star Parker, Phyllis Schlafly, Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter, Kate Obenshain, Michelle Malkin and Marji Ross.
I see this calendar as a special kind of stimulus for the dry cleaning industry. For some, projectile vomiting will create quite a mess. For others, does anybody remember a blue dress from the Gap?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Norm Coleman's Fundraising Letter for Michele Bachmann
Mama Mary's Visit
Mama Mary visited Elena's house for a week and everyday my friends are praying the rosary. I was able to join them last thursday and after the prayers we have our lunch together. Mama Mary's visit to houses is a filipino catholic tradition and usually after the prayers, the host prepare foods to share.
Mama Mary's Visit
Mama Mary visited Elena's house for a week and everyday my friends are praying the rosary. I was able to join them last thursday and after the prayers we have our lunch together. Mama Mary's visit to houses is a filipino catholic tradition and usually after the prayers, the host prepare foods to share.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Challenge to Michele Bachmann Supporters
MINNEAPOLIS (CWM) – Last night on AM950 KTNF's Minnesota Matters Radio Show, Democratic Speechwriter and Minnesota Matters guest host Brian Falldin issued a challenge to Rep. Michele Bachmann and her supporters to name one thing she has done for the benefit of Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District. After nearly an hour of waiting, not one call came into the station with an answer.
Brian Falldin decided to take this one-step further and issue the challenge on his Web site “Change We Must Fight For” http://www.brianfalldin.com.
Brian is now requesting his readers to answer the question he posed last night on Minnesota Matters. “I want someone to tell me. What has Michele Bachmann done for the 6th district? Name one positive thing she’s done for her constituents,” Brian asked.
According to the challenge, Brian will announce the answers he receives on next week’s Minnesota Matters radio show.
Can any Bachmann supporters that read and comment on this blog come up with anything positive Michele Bachmann has done for the district?
UPDATE: Radio show is here.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Norm Coleman Sends Out Veiled Gay-Baiting Fundraising Email for Michele Bachmann
He also singles out the "netroots" we are not sure what these are, but by invoking fear of them, these Franken supporters from San Francisco, Manhattan and Vermont we can protect Minnesota. Hmmm, all places have played pivotal roles in the gay rights movement is this gay bashing or just code for it? Now some people believe Bachmann's husband is a gay deprogrammer.
Norm Coleman has a history of using anti-gay tactics to promote his political career, so this isn't surprising.
Tagaytay Adventure
Tagaytay Adventure
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Cheerdance Champions
A sarimanok-inspired routine highlighted by acrobatic stunts propelled FEU on top of the competition!
The Cheerdance Champions
A sarimanok-inspired routine highlighted by acrobatic stunts propelled FEU on top of the competition!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Rep. Bachmann Spreads the Word
Frustration pours out at tea party
By Lisa Kaczke (Contact) The Daily Journal
Published Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Anger and frustration brought people to a “tea party” in NP Park in Fergus Falls to protest against the federal government’s spending. Others were curious and were only there to listen.
Tea parties are being held throughout the country to protest federal fiscal spending and to call for a change. Fergus Falls’ tea party, held Tuesday, Sept. 22, was organized by the local group Heart Of The Land Conservative. Hundreds of people attended the gathering. Speaker Scott Hennen, of The Scott Hennen Show on AM 1100 “The Flag,” said the crowd estimated at nearly 700.
With a flag that read “Don’t tread on me,” New York Mills resident Diane Johnson stood in the crowd to make her voice heard. She said it was exciting to see people wake up.
Johnson noted that it isn’t Democrats or Republicans, but rather government that needs to start working for the people.
She wants government to start working for the people and to begin ruling by the U.S. Constitution, she said. The government needs to stop lying by using double-speak, she said.
The government takes the people’s money and uses it whether citizens agree.
“I think that they think we’re stupid. And we’re not,” Johnson said.
Also standing in the crowd was John (wouldn’t give last name), who was concerned that government has gone “way over the cliff.” He called for more people to get involved or else it’ll be too late.
The government is headed in the wrong direction, he said. He said he’s angry the country is spending too much and there’s no way to pay for the debt.
At 61, he noted that it won’t affect him. But it’ll affect the children at the gathering, who’ll be paying for it for the rest of their lives, he said.
He also wants truthfulness from the government.
“Politicians lie through their teeth,” he said, adding that they say what they need to in order to get elected.
Calling to the tea party from Washington, D.C. was Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-District 6). As the crowd cheered, she said it was the “sound of freedom.”
She encouraged the crowd to call their representatives to let them know they should vote against the government take-over of health care and investigate ACORN.
“This is our time. This is our moment. Seize it,” Bachmann said.
And here is radio host Scott Hennen's website
I grew up in this congressional district, currently represented by Collin Peterson (MN 7 D). He's a 'blue dog' Democrat, who has a big hand in writing the farm bill.
To maintain some intellectual honestly, I'd like to see these Otter Tail County tea-baggers pressure Rep. Peterson to cut off farm subsidies in the 7th district, and if they're a farmer, refuse to participate in the program.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Minn Post's Joe Kimball Serves as Michele Bachmann's Spokesperson
Karl Bremer commented:
On September 21, 2009, Karl Bremer says:
This is called "reporting"? More like stenography. Where's the opportunity for ACORN to respond? Wouldn't Bachmann's own website be the appropriate place for this, and not a "news" story? Or does every member of congress get free space to reprint their press release at MinnPost now?
Who does she think she is?
The Arts Council of the Morris Area in partnership with St. Elizabeth's College will host a screening of the entire film followed by a panel discussion at St. Elizabeth's College, Madison NJ on October 5 beginning at 6:00.
I am looking forward to seeing this film and then participating as one of the panel members that night.

A Foggy Tuesday
Dirk was supposed to play golf but it was too foggy. Fog forms when the air-cools to a point at which water vapor in it begins to condense into tiny water droplets. Its really hard to drive on this kind of weather much more playing golf.
Though there's still some fog, i decided to drive to the city to buy some stuff. Every tuesday is market day and most of the stalls are gone. Only the street cleaners are there to do their job. What amazed me here is the government's concern for cleanliness.
A Foggy Tuesday
Dirk was supposed to play golf but it was too foggy. Fog forms when the air-cools to a point at which water vapor in it begins to condense into tiny water droplets. Its really hard to drive on this kind of weather much more playing golf.
Though there's still some fog, i decided to drive to the city to buy some stuff. Every tuesday is market day and most of the stalls are gone. Only the street cleaners are there to do their job. What amazed me here is the government's concern for cleanliness.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Michele Bachmann: Former Trial Attorney?
I have not heard her make this claim before. It is typically - "litigation tax attorney", when her history is actually being a tax collector for the IRS.
The Return of McCarthyism Starring Michele Bachmann
Breaking News! Michele Bachmann Issues a Press Release
Sunday, September 20, 2009
More on Michele Bachmann Feeding at the Public Trough of Farm Subsidies
When I wrote in November about Rep. Michele Bachmann collecting federal farm subsidies through her family’s limited partnership, some claimed that her “no” vote on the 2007 farm bill, which would extend farm subsidies through 2012, cleared her of any charges of hypocrisy. After all, a vote against the farm bill was a vote against the very subsidies she was collecting, they argued.
But a closer examination of Bachmann’s votes on amendments to the 2007 farm bill shows that Bachmann wasn’t voting against the subsidy programs that she was reaping at all. In fact, she explicitly voted for them—even for wealthy farmers.
The issue of farm subsidies going to wealthy urban “farmers” who have never had dirt under their fingernails has become a political hot potato recently. So when the 2007 farm bill came up, the Bush Administration pushed for a $200,000 income cap for federal farm subsidy recipients.
In the House, Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) offered an amendment that would end subsidy payments to farms where the average adjusted gross income of the farm’s owners exceeds $250,000. Bachmann voted against Kind’s amendment. The amendment failed by a large margin, 309-117.
The Bachmann Farm Family Limited Partnership, a 949-acre Buffalo County, WI, farming operation in which Bachmann owns up to a quarter-million-dollars interest, collected $47,128 in federal farm subsidies between 2004-2005, according to the Environmental Working Group. That same operation has collected as much as $127,868 in federal farm subsidies since the partnership was established in 2001.
It’s not known whether Kind’s amendment would have cut off subsidy payments to the Bachmann Farm Family Limited Partnership. One can only speculate whether that provided any motivation for Bachmann’s vote against the amendment, since calls and e-mails to Bachmann’s office on this subject were not returned.
Eric Zaetsch Points Out Michele Bachmann's Ineffectiveness
Michele Bachmann knows how to work the system, doesn't she?
Not for herself. For others. For us in Anoka County.
She got us twenty-two bucks per capita, this wonder-woman got that, for us in stimulus funds for Anoka County.
Compared to a paltry thousand or so per head, Big Stone County. How can that tiny wherever locale ever think to compete in needs, and foreclosure hardships, with lands represented by the wonderfully productive - district first and personal advancement and personal promotion a distant second - extraordinary manners of Ms. Bachmann?
She dilivered accordingly -- as best as her leadership skill and qualities allowed.
She knows --- To not make enemies. To not burn bridges. To be a bridge builder, not a burner. (That's how she during her career was so successful getting a new Stillwater bridge, after all. By not being divisive and confrontational, and not a publicity hound.)
I am impressed. She could have gotten only twenty bucks per capita, but no, she got us twenty-two.
WOW! Some job!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Michele Bachmann's Farm
Just a couple of questions. Michele says that the farmers are "geniuses". Didn't I hear that Michele is "a farmer"? Does she include herself as a genius?
I wonder about Michele Bachmann's farm. What does she grow? How can she run a farm while being in Washington? Does she really have a farm?
The reason I ask is that if Michele has a farm wouldn't some of you nice MIchele snipers have tried to figure out if the farm is taking any government subsidy money? Wouldn't it be delicious if somebody discovered that Michele set up a farm when she discovered as a tax lawyer that she could suck up a pile of taxpayer's dollars with a phoney farm?
I didn't discover Michele until last year. Some of you have been opposing her since before 2006. Surely the "Old McBachamnn has a farm" question has been picked apart by now. I've just never heard if she refuses government money or if she's a hyupocrite.
Karl Bremer wrote about Michele Bachmann's Farm Subsidies here.
Michele Bachmann has done nothing illegal by collecting federal farm subsidies. The establishment of a limited partnership for a farming operation no doubt is to reduce her tax liability—i.e., a tax shelter. And it conveniently keeps Michele’s own name out of the farm subsidy database.
Indeed, in a recent local media investigation about urban recipients of farm subsidies, Bachmann’s name wasn’t even mentioned.
But it does raise questions about the sincerity of Bachmann’s belief in smaller government and her opposition to entitlement programs when she partakes in them herself.
Is the Stillwater congresswoman the kind of “farmer” that most Minnesotans think should be collecting subsidy checks? After all, Bachmann, with a $165,200 a year Congressional salary, recently described families earning $83,000 a year in Minnesota as “rich.”
Or is she just another wealthy “urban farmer” milking the federal system who would, were it not for her anti-government Republican credentials, provoke outrage and indignation among right-wing think tanks and radio jocks?
You be the judge.
We've followed up here.
Offenburg Energy Day
The highlight of the energy day in Offenburg are: Open door days, during which the general public visits organisations to learn more about energy efficient and renewable energy measures on the premises and exhibitions and fairs, where public and private organisations demonstrate and explain their energy technologies to the wider public
There's also live music to entertain the people
Offenburg Energy Day
The highlight of the energy day in Offenburg are: Open door days, during which the general public visits organisations to learn more about energy efficient and renewable energy measures on the premises and exhibitions and fairs, where public and private organisations demonstrate and explain their energy technologies to the wider public
There's also live music to entertain the people
Thursday, September 17, 2009
John Boehner Has His Hands Full
Boehner works to keep up with base
By: Glenn Thrush
September 17, 2009 05:16 AM EST
House Minority Leader John Boehner spent much of last week trying to persuade a stubborn Rep. Joe Wilson to apologize to the House — telling associates he needed to “get to” Wilson before the weekend to elicit an apology.
But as the days dragged on, Boehner had to back off: Wilson’s spine was stiffened by $1.5 million in campaign contributions, the Democrats’ anti-Wilson rhetoric had become increasingly extreme, and the South Carolina Republican was rapidly accumulating support from the conference’s dominant right wing.
“At some point, he realized he had no choice but to get behind Wilson because that’s where his conference was going — and he was just so angry that the Democrats had pushed this thing so far,” said a GOP aide with knowledge of the situation.
Like a surfer riding the heavy waves before a hurricane, Boehner, a conservative with a penchant for compromise, has spent the past few months trying to harness the anger of the GOP base without allowing his conference to veer too far to the right.
But never were the strains of that balancing act more apparent than during the Wilson vote, as the Ohio Republican tried to juggle his commitment to bipartisan civility with his responsibility to a besieged member of his conference.
“It’s very hard these days to be a leader like John Boehner who tries to find the middle ground,” said former Connecticut Republican Rep. Chris Shays, one of the last Northeastern moderates, who was beaten by Democrat Jim Himes last year.
“He’s a conservative, but he’s less conservative than his base,” Shays added. “And he’s got to lead a party that has been so battered and beaten that it’s incredibly angry — angry at what’s going on in the country, angry at the way it’s being treated by the majority.”
On Tuesday, Boehner — who had worked with Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) to avoid an ugly confrontation over Wilson’s “resolution of disapproval” — took to the floor to accuse the Democrats of a “publicity stunt” in pushing for a Wilson reprimand. But many observers, including Republicans, noted that the leader, a wise-cracking chain smoker who sometimes finds it hard to mask his emotions, seemed just as disgusted with Wilson, making little eye contact with the man he was supposed to be defending.
Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said his boss has no conflict with Wilson — and that the House GOP’s complaints about President Barack Obama’s programs represent the concerns of the wider public and not just conservatives.
“I would point out that the greatest anxiety about the president’s policies tends to come from independents,” he said.
Long before the tea parties or Wilson’s outburst, Boehner and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) had struggled to moderate the rhetorical excesses of House conservatives hammering away on Obama’s birth certificate, decrying the creation of “death panels” and ferreting out signs of creeping socialism.
Sources say they have been especially wary of the possible damage inflicted on the party’s reputation by bomb-throwing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who last fall called for an investigation into whether members of Congress are “pro-America or anti-America.”
Still, Boehner has largely avoided antagonizing the base on these hot-button issues — steering clear of using the words “death panel” — while criticizing Democrats for involving the government in end-of-life decisions. He’s been particularly careful to avoid the fate of former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who found himself publicly espousing positions that didn’t have widespread support in his own conference.
Like Gingrich, Boehner can’t afford to get on the wrong side of his base: After he helped shepherd through the $700 billion Wall Street bailout last fall, some conservatives privately groused that the minority leader was out of touch with the small-government wing of the party.
Boehner dismissed the criticism and was unchallenged in his bid to be reelected GOP leader, and he has moved forcefully to put his allies in positions of power — including the appointment of Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) to head the National Republican Congressional Committee.
But now he faces new challenges as conservatives seek to assert their newfound power gained during the August recess.
“There is a certain portion of the conference that believes the worst about the president and needs to express that,” said a senior GOP House aide. “The key is to capture that angst in such a way that doesn’t turn off the rest of the country, meaning the moderates, the independents, the people who don’t share all of your principles.”
Until the GOP refutes or otherwise officially distances themselves from Rep. Bachmann, she will remain the face and shrill voice of the party.
Keep going.
Programming Note: Michele Bachmann Speaks at Values Voters Summit Tomorrow
Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Michele Bachmann will share the stage this weekend with a host of conservative activists and likely Republican presidential candidates.
Pawlenty's appearance at the annual Values Voters Summit will be his most recent appearance in what is widely seen as a test drive for a presidential run in 2012.
At a time when his official public events as governor have been few and far between, Pawlenty has been stumping across the country, speaking to GOP audiences and offering the party's critique of Democrats on TV talk shows.
For her part, Bachmann has raised her national profile within the party with regular talk show appearances and said last month she would run for president if "that's what the Lord was calling me to do."
You can watch online for free, but registration is required.
MPR and Politico: Is Michele Bachmann Hurting the MN GOP
Long before the tea parties or Wilson’s outburst, Boehner and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) had struggled to moderate the rhetorical excesses of House conservatives hammering away on Obama’s birth certificate, decrying the creation of “death panels” and ferreting out signs of creeping socialism.
Sources say they have been especially wary of the possible damage inflicted on the party’s reputation by bomb-throwing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who last fall called for an investigation into whether members of Congress are “pro-America or anti-America.”
DFL Ties Pawlenty to Michele Bachmann Again
Another Knee-Jerk Political Overreaction from Governor Pawlenty
Governor issues laughable directive for state government to stop dealing with an organization that it doesn’t deal with
St. Paul (September 17, 2009) —Minnesota’s part-time Governor, Tim Pawlenty, directed the state government yesterday to stop all state funding to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Within two hours, the Management & Budget office released its initial findings showing that Minnesota currently has no interaction with that organization. The DFL Party released this statement from Chair Brian Melendez:
“Once again, Governor Pawlenty is misusing official resources in a desperate attempt to score political points — and once again, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. First he panicked over the President’s speech to students on the first day of school, before even reading the speech — which turned out to be about encouraging children to think critically and value education, not about ‘brainwashing’ as the governor ignorantly predicted. Next, Governor Pawlenty overreacted by boycotting the multi-partisan budget summit — which turned out to be an important first step toward solving Minnesota’s fiscal problems, where even Republican leaders criticized the governor’s absence. Now, again, the governor has leaped before he looks, clearly more concerned with scoring political points than with dealing in reality.
“Yesterday’s directive is just the governor’s latest knee-jerk political reaction to the topic du jour. While the governor's action might make sense if the state actually had any dealings with ACORN, it's not too much to expect that he find the answer to that simple question before he tries to leap into executive action.
“It’s bad enough that Governor Pawlenty has begun moving closer and closer to Representative Michele Bachmann’s extreme right-wing ideology. But now he is even adopting her tactic of making politically expedient claims without any factual basis. If the Governor continues to abandon Minnesotans to pursue his national ambitions, and keeps jumping at every nonsensical chance for political opportunism, then he will share yet another trait with Representative Bachmann — total ineffectiveness.”
Dance as Part of Rehabilitation
Below are the manila city jail inmates
Below are the Cebu City prisoners
Of course the original CPDRC, the world renowned dancing inmates of cebu with their performance to express their support in the fight against osteoporosis
Dance as Part of Rehabilitation
Below are the manila city jail inmates
Below are the Cebu City prisoners
Of course the original CPDRC, the world renowned dancing inmates of cebu with their performance to express their support in the fight against osteoporosis
Michele Bachmann: Will Obama "Re-Order the Food Supply"?
During a House floor speech on Monday night, Rep. Michele Bachmann gave a dire warning: That President Obama has already begun efforts to limit our energy usage from cars and home heating and air conditioning -- and our food consumption is next:
"President Obama said we can't eat as much food as we want and think the rest of the world will be okay about that -- as if that matters to freedom-loving Americans," said Bachmann. "Well, we just heard last week that the Federal Government now under the Obama administration is calling for a re-ordering of America's food supply. What's that going to mean? Now will the White House decide how many calories we consume, or what types of food we consume?"
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Keith Ellison's Tweets About Michele Bachmann
# Michelle Bachmann uses her time at financial services to attack CRA, ACORN, and then promptly walks out when experts begin testimony.about 12 hours ago from TwitterBerry
# Michelle Bachmann is attacking CRA. Surprised? Blaming CRA for housing meltdown.about 13 hours ago from TwitterBerry
Keith Ellison Hits the Nail on the Head Re: Michele Bachmann's Committee Behavior
Ellison lashes out @MicheleBachmann
September 16th, 2009 – 3:06 PM by Eric Roper
Rep. Keith Ellison took Rep. Michele Bachmann to task today via his Blackberry.
Ellison, arguably the most liberal member of Minnesota’s congressional delegation, chided his conservative colleague on Twitter for leaving a Financial Services Committee meeting before witnesses had offered their testimony.
The hearing was held to discuss the possible expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act, which encourages lenders to aid low-income areas. Bachmann criticized the CRA and ACORN before leaving, according to Ellison’s tweets (below).
“Michele Bachmann uses her time at financial services to attack CRA, ACORN, and then promptly walks out when experts begin testimony,” Ellison wrote.
Update: Bachmann spokesman Dave Dziok has this response to Ellison’s comments: “Maybe Congressman Ellison should worry less about what Congresswoman Bachmann is doing, and more about what the friends he’s defending like ACORN are doing with his constituents’ tax dollars.”
It sounds like Michele Bachmann hasn't changed much since she was in the state legislature. At that time, she was known for coming to committee meetings just long enough to be listed on the attendance roster, then she'd leave.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Michele Bachmann Makes a Spectacle of Herself on the House Floor
Did anyone catch her on CSpan last night? Rep. King and her were doing one of their "sore losers" sessions, and it was quite rich. Nothing like a a load of "fear mongering" and "mis-information" to provide humor to my evening. Here's a sample:
"And what about food? President Obama said we can't eat as much food as we want and think the rest of the world will be okay about that, as if that matters to freedom-loving Americans. Well, we just heard last week that the Federal Government now under the Obama administration is calling for a reordering of America's food supply. What is that going to mean? Now will the White House decide how many calories we consume or what types of food we consume?"
It's Herbst and Cold
It's a very cold day, the herbst or autumn start and i'm starting to chill. Gone are the nice sunny days and more outdoor activities. Despite the cold weather, Dirk was still able to play golf and he played a birdie.
We were also able to take advantage of the end season sale at Kaufland where we bought some house stuff and christmas gifts.
I also bought our favorite grilled chicken for dinner, that complete my kaufland shopping.
It's Herbst and Cold
It's a very cold day, the herbst or autumn start and i'm starting to chill. Gone are the nice sunny days and more outdoor activities. Despite the cold weather, Dirk was still able to play golf and he played a birdie.
We were also able to take advantage of the end season sale at Kaufland where we bought some house stuff and christmas gifts.
I also bought our favorite grilled chicken for dinner, that complete my kaufland shopping.
John Tallman's art influences

So What 24" x 24", pigment and resin
I try to keep my commentary to a minimum(if you hadn't noticed) but with Tennessee artist John Tallman's work I just have to say-I like it. I like the reductive quality, the lushness,the thingness and his sense of humor. The pieces always remind me of something......that I just can't put a name on. But this piece above reminds me of the candy-Dots. Also, if you are not familiar with his blog Color Chunks, check it out.

picture 6: acrylic on plaster, 7"x3.5", 2008.
My art now seems to be in one of those transitions. Maybe that is actually always the case and now I’m just more aware of it. A very good friend of mine(a painter) said in his statement he wanted to de-mystify painting. I thought about that and I decided I wanted to do was to re-mystify painting. There are certain dualities that painting can examine excellently because of its limited format. “The picture” can frame particular contradictions in a way that no other medium can.

Arcadian Landscape: acrylic on wood, 4"x7", 2009.
Top Ten Current and Past Influences(in no particular order):
Robert Ryman(for method).
Eva Hesse(for making).
Richard Tuttle(for romance).
Thomas Demand(for (dis)placement).
Gunther Forg(for economy).
Philip Guston(for drawing).
Marcel Duchamp(for humor).
Bill DeKooning(for lusciousness).
Blinky Palermo(for engagement).
Herman Melville(for the whiteness).
Chzfb pigment and resin, 24"x24", 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dusty Trice on Michele Bachmann's Town Meeting and Tea-Bag Event
Michele Bachmann Sings Joe Wilson's Praises at Tea Bagger Rally.
Thanks to Dusty Trice for trekking on up to St Cloud to cover these events.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
MN Teen Challenge, Michele Bachmann's Sink for Laundered Money, Promotes Faith Healing
Minnesota Teen Challenge is well known to Dump Bachmann regulars. As Karl Bremer put it.
Michele Bachmann tried to protect her image by donating a campaign contribution from convicted money-launderer and Tom Petters associate Frank Vennes Jr. this month after Vennes’ homes were raided in connection with the $3 billion dollar Petters financial fraud investigation. But as it turns out, Bachmann donated the money to Minnesota Teen Challenge, a faith-based evangelical recovery program where Vennes served on the board of directors as recently as February 2008, and which may lose millions of dollars in investments that Vennes’ is alleged to have helped steer to Petters’ companies.
In other words, the $9,200 Bachmann donated to Teen Challenge—the same amount as Vennes and his wife, Kimberly, donated to Bachmann’s campaign on June 30—essentially went from the pocket of one Vennes pal to the pocket of another.
Teen Challenge later returns Michele Bachmann's Vennes money, because they were concerned about "Dirty Money."
Sunday Detour
Along the racing area, i noticed that there are bed mattresses on the road. I'm clueless on what's the use of those mattress in the race.
On the way home, we took the mountain road and the view is really nice, look at the picture below
The vineyard
Sunday Detour
Along the racing area, i noticed that there are bed mattresses on the road. I'm clueless on what's the use of those mattress in the race.
On the way home, we took the mountain road and the view is really nice, look at the picture below
The vineyard