Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Predict A Surge in the Dry Cleaning Industry

Bachmann is 'Miss November' in conservative think tank's calendar
By Eric Roper

September 29, 2009

There seems to be a major appetite for Michele Bachmann merchandise these days.

Last week she was made into an action figure. Now Michele Bachmann has her own spot on a 2010 calendar highlighting conservative women.

The Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute, a think tank geared toward female conservatives, released the “Great American Conservative Women” calendar this week.

It features 11 conservative women, including former Miss California Carrie Prejean, who made national headlines this spring when she did not support gay marriage during the Miss USA pageant. A group shot of all the women features Bachmann and Prejean standing next to each other (below).

Bachmann (Miss November) is the only member of Congress featured on the calendar. Beneath her picture is the following quotation: “Since the fall of Adam, freedom has not been the natural condition of man. However, America has chosen to light a candle, rather than curse the darkness, with the bright promise of life, liberty and freedom.”

Other women highlighted include Bay Buchanan, S.E. Cupp, Star Parker, Phyllis Schlafly, Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter, Kate Obenshain, Michelle Malkin and Marji Ross.

I see this calendar as a special kind of stimulus for the dry cleaning industry. For some, projectile vomiting will create quite a mess. For others, does anybody remember a blue dress from the Gap?

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