Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What's Michele Bachmann Done for Her District?

From my inbox:


MINNEAPOLIS – 9/28/2009 – In a stunning development to Brian Falldin’s challenge to Michele Bachmann’s constituents, a conservative caller named “Bob” defended Michele Bachmann’s poor record in Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District by saying conservative voters elected her “to not do anything.”

The call came in on Minnesota Matters, a progressive radio show on AM950 KTNF The Voice of Minnesota. Earlier in the segment, Brian Falldin along with Tommy Johnson and Dusty Trice reiterated the challenge to Michele Bachmann’s constituents to name one significant thing Michele Bachmann has done for the district she represents.

“While we hoped for someone to call in and tell us about some specific legislation Rep. Bachmann had authored, we were stunned by Bob’s remarks,” Brian Falldin said.

In what can only be described as a stunning revelation regarding conservative politics, the fact that Michele Bachmann has not done anything is precisely what conservatives expect and reward according to the conservative caller.

Brian Falldin remains optimistic that Bob’s views are in the minority and conservatives and progressives alike want their representatives to actually do work on behalf of their constituents.

Here's Bob's call:

Brian Falldin's challenge still stands:

Unless you consider Bob’s call last night to be the answer to my Bachmann challenge, I’m still waiting for an answer to my initial question.

What has Michele Bachmann done for the 6th Congressional District? Name one positive thing she’s done or significant piece of legislation she’s spearheaded to benefit the district.

Dare2sayit hasn't commented on this matter. Come on Michele Bachmann supporters - you must be able to come up with something?

One reader here did point out that Michele Bachmann signs autographs.

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