Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michele Bachmann's Inflamatory Rhetoric Hits Minn Post

Doug Grow has a good article about the state of the 6th CD campaign against Michele Bachmann.

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann keeps doing that thing she does. One day it's a national talk show, the next it's a speech at some event, far from Minnesota. The provocative comments tumble from her mouth and into headlines across the country.

The most recent examples of Bachmann's flaming oratory came at a Monday night speech in Denver where the Republican congresswoman said people should "make a covenant, slit our wrists, be blood brothers" in fighting against any Democratic efforts to reform health care. "… Right now we are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom in this country."

"Let me be on record as saying, 'I'm opposed to slitting wrists,' " said state Sen. Tarryl Clark of St. Cloud. She hopes to be the Democratic candidate running against Bachmann in the 6th Congressional District 14 months from now.

Dr. Maureen Reed of Grant, another Democrat in the race against Bachmann, also is opposed to wrist-slitting. She said she does not ask even her most ardent supporters to "make a covenant or slit wrists" in the effort to beat Bachmann.

"I ask them to volunteer, I ask them to give money to the campaign,'' she said.

Read the whole thing.

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