Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rep. Bachmann Spreads the Word

We have this story in the Fergus Falls Daily Journal (Otter Tail County)

Frustration pours out at tea party
By Lisa Kaczke (Contact) The Daily Journal

Published Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anger and frustration brought people to a “tea party” in NP Park in Fergus Falls to protest against the federal government’s spending. Others were curious and were only there to listen.

Tea parties are being held throughout the country to protest federal fiscal spending and to call for a change. Fergus Falls’ tea party, held Tuesday, Sept. 22, was organized by the local group Heart Of The Land Conservative. Hundreds of people attended the gathering. Speaker Scott Hennen, of The Scott Hennen Show on AM 1100 “The Flag,” said the crowd estimated at nearly 700.

With a flag that read “Don’t tread on me,” New York Mills resident Diane Johnson stood in the crowd to make her voice heard. She said it was exciting to see people wake up.

Johnson noted that it isn’t Democrats or Republicans, but rather government that needs to start working for the people.

She wants government to start working for the people and to begin ruling by the U.S. Constitution, she said. The government needs to stop lying by using double-speak, she said.

The government takes the people’s money and uses it whether citizens agree.

“I think that they think we’re stupid. And we’re not,” Johnson said.

Also standing in the crowd was John (wouldn’t give last name), who was concerned that government has gone “way over the cliff.” He called for more people to get involved or else it’ll be too late.

The government is headed in the wrong direction, he said. He said he’s angry the country is spending too much and there’s no way to pay for the debt.

At 61, he noted that it won’t affect him. But it’ll affect the children at the gathering, who’ll be paying for it for the rest of their lives, he said.

He also wants truthfulness from the government.

“Politicians lie through their teeth,” he said, adding that they say what they need to in order to get elected.

Calling to the tea party from Washington, D.C. was Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-District 6). As the crowd cheered, she said it was the “sound of freedom.”

She encouraged the crowd to call their representatives to let them know they should vote against the government take-over of health care and investigate ACORN.

“This is our time. This is our moment. Seize it,” Bachmann said.

And here is radio host Scott Hennen's website

I grew up in this congressional district, currently represented by Collin Peterson (MN 7 D). He's a 'blue dog' Democrat, who has a big hand in writing the farm bill.

To maintain some intellectual honestly, I'd like to see these Otter Tail County tea-baggers pressure Rep. Peterson to cut off farm subsidies in the 7th district, and if they're a farmer, refuse to participate in the program.

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