Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Michele Bachmann Makes a Spectacle of Herself on the House Floor

Ofcourse this isn't news. It would be news if she didn't. From commenter, Lady:

Did anyone catch her on CSpan last night? Rep. King and her were doing one of their "sore losers" sessions, and it was quite rich. Nothing like a a load of "fear mongering" and "mis-information" to provide humor to my evening. Here's a sample:

"And what about food? President Obama said we can't eat as much food as we want and think the rest of the world will be okay about that, as if that matters to freedom-loving Americans. Well, we just heard last week that the Federal Government now under the Obama administration is calling for a reordering of America's food supply. What is that going to mean? Now will the White House decide how many calories we consume or what types of food we consume?"

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