Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Keith Ellison Hits the Nail on the Head Re: Michele Bachmann's Committee Behavior

Big Question:

Ellison lashes out @MicheleBachmann
September 16th, 2009 – 3:06 PM by Eric Roper

Rep. Keith Ellison took Rep. Michele Bachmann to task today via his Blackberry.

Ellison, arguably the most liberal member of Minnesota’s congressional delegation, chided his conservative colleague on Twitter for leaving a Financial Services Committee meeting before witnesses had offered their testimony.

The hearing was held to discuss the possible expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act, which encourages lenders to aid low-income areas. Bachmann criticized the CRA and ACORN before leaving, according to Ellison’s tweets (below).

“Michele Bachmann uses her time at financial services to attack CRA, ACORN, and then promptly walks out when experts begin testimony,” Ellison wrote.


Update: Bachmann spokesman Dave Dziok has this response to Ellison’s comments: “Maybe Congressman Ellison should worry less about what Congresswoman Bachmann is doing, and more about what the friends he’s defending like ACORN are doing with his constituents’ tax dollars.”

It sounds like Michele Bachmann hasn't changed much since she was in the state legislature. At that time, she was known for coming to committee meetings just long enough to be listed on the attendance roster, then she'd leave.

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