Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is Michele Bachmann Worried About Reelection

Blois Olson asks the question.

No damaging statements
It's telling that Bachmann, the ever shrewd and calculating politico, actually engaged her constituents at the town hall session rather than trying to play to national conservatives. And she avoided overly damaging statements.

Earlier this week, she made only a brief appearance at a forum in St. Cloud on Social Security. Thursday's gathering was unusual because she gave so much of her time to a public forum in her district, talking with the overflow crowd before flying off to Colorado to play the role of conservative fundraising magnate.

So could it be that Bachmann is finally recognizing that constituents are tiring of her national profile (and rightful comparisons to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin) and is worried about reelection? Yes. And that she realizes her political future faces not just a tough match in 2010, but the potential for an intra-party battle in 2012, when she could be redistricted with GOP Rep. John Kline? Yes.
Rep. Michele Bachmann
MSNBCRep. Michele Bachmann

Privately, many Republican leaders concede they are concerned that she and her supporters are a liability to the GOP rebuilding efforts in Minnesota. Evidence locally and nationally can be seen in the explicit language that former GOP Sen. Dave Durenberger used when he broke news that former Republican Sen. Norm Coleman was going to lead a new group of GOP thinkers who are going to focus less on the social issues Bachmann and her political brood obsess over.

And Kline's ascension to ranking member of the House Education and Labor Committee gives a clear signal from the House GOP leadership on who they trust more to carry their message. Kline.

Now look ahead to 2012, when redistricting kicks in. The possibility of Minnesota losing a Congressional seat is real, but more concerning for the GOP is the possibility that Kline and Bachmann end up drawn into the same district.

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