Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michele Bachmann's "Wrist Slitting" Being Used in Campaign Fundraising Pitches

Tarryl Clark (running against Michele Bachmann):

It’s been just over a month since I launched my campaign for Congress. I’m excited to tell you that we’re off to a fast start in our campaign to unseat Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
People from around the District are jumping on board, giving of their time and money. At the State Fair, folks up and down Dan Patch Avenue came up to me, excited about the race and committing to help.
So while Congresswoman Bachmann has20been traveling the country, riling up her right-wing base with calls to “slit their wrists,” I’ve been here, talking to Minnesotans about how we can really make a difference in their lives.
The momentum is building. Already, I’ve received the endorsements of AFSCME Councils 5 and 65, North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters, Laborers District Council of Minnesota and North Dakota, Teamsters Joint 32 and Local 120, and even the College Dems at my local St. Cloud State University.
Will you join us in our campaign to unseat Congresswoman Bachmann?
I’ve said it from the start – this campaign will be fierce. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has spent years courting the right-wing in Washington. She has hours and hours of face time on FOX News.
But I know I will win this campaign, just as I won my election to State Senate in what was always assumed to be a “conservative district". I win by building coalitions that hit the streets – going door to door, voter to voter, in a ground game to talk directly with people about their lives. I win by earning the votes of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who have seen first-hand how I listen and engage on the issues.
Because that’s what this campaign is really about: the issues that affect the everyday lives of Minnesotans – jobs, affordable health care, education and investment in our communities. They deserve a Member of Congress who will fight for them.
Will you join our campaign?
That winning coalition starts with you. Your time, your contribution, and your support will make this happen.
Join us by donating today.
The campaign is off to a strong start – and you can be sure we have the resources we need from day one to wage that ground game. Your contribution of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford will get that ground game started. This is a crucial time to show Michele Bachmann and her right-wing allies that we can and will build a winning campaign.
I couldn’t be more proud of the endorsements we’ve already received in this campaign. But I’d be even more proud if I could add your endorsement to the list.
Please join our campaign today.
I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail!

Tim Walz is running for reelection, not against Michele Bachmann, is using Michele Bachmann in his fundraising pitch:

August here in Minnesota has been a bit milder than usual, but the rhetoric used by National Republican Leaders in television ads and in radio ads has become increasingly heated, irresponsible and reckless.

Now, as we come out of the dog days of August, consider what Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said about fixing health care insurance:

“This cannot pass. What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass.”

National Republican Leaders, like Michele Bachmann, have decided to use the issue of health care insurance reform for political gain.

They believe that preventing health care insurance reform today will lead to their victory in 2010. We know that this issue is too important to be used to score political victories. This is about fixing what is broken and getting the job done.

Tim knows we need health insurance that is stable and secure for working families, ensures coverage if you get sick, gives you an affordable option if you lose your job and will help small businesses provide health insurance to their employees without going bankrupt.

Tim has launched his campaign earlier than ever before. He knows we need to keep our grassroots movement going in order to fix what is broken. Right now we are engaging voters at their doors about the importance of health care insurance reform.

Can you support our grassroots movement today? A contribution of $15, $25, $50, $100 or more will help us continue to work the phones, hit the doors and get our message out in southern Minnesota.

Now that August has wound down, the debate in Washington will wind back up. The National GOP’s rhetoric will get even more heated, so get ready.

For now, help us keep our grassroots campaign moving this fall by chipping in a couple of dollars toward the effort! If a financial contribution is not an option at this time, then write a letter to your local paper!

Thanks for your help!

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