U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann has been added as a last-minute speaker at the Defending the American Dream ® Summit in Washington, D.C., Friday night, on the eve of Glenn Beck’s controversial “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial.
Bachmann, who has spoken at the annual summit before, is expected to be one of the few national office holders to attend Saturday’s Tea Party tour de force, which has been assailed by some civil rights activists because it falls on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s celebrated “I Have a Dream” speech, also given from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
According to Betty Freauf of NewsWithViews.com, if Bachmann goes to this event, she should expect a... GLENN BECK'S AUGUST 28 SURPRISE:
With the exception of Glenn Beck wanting a miracle on August 28th at the Lincoln Memorial, I haven’t heard him give any specific details except I think it has something to do with Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King. However, I suspect the enemies of our country who have been working diligently for years to destroy our sovereignty are meeting quietly strategizing how to dissuade people from attending by using FEAR. “F” is for False, “E” is for Evidence, “A” is for Appears and “R” is for Real. Yes, FEAR is false evidence that appears real when used by bullies who intimidate.
A Biblical researcher friend said when she heard the August 28 date, she thought of Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Joshua at Jericho came to my mind. Glen promotes peace. He knows violence would hurt the conservative cause but I’m sure the secret service and police in Washington, D.C. are bracing for the arrival of many to their city. Glenn has been explaining the difference between individual salvation and collective salvation – Liberation Theology where people look to government for salvation and must become dependent on it. A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show said he and his wife, both college grads, had their immigration application turned down because they had no debt and were not disabled. Glenn encourages religious leaders to attend on August 28. Is he planning a simple march around the Capitol or maybe even seven times around the Lincoln Memorial as an example of what Joshua did at Jericho?
Where Is this woman pulling this stufF? Possibly... out of her ass:
God can use whatever and whomever he wishes to accomplish His will so I in no way wish to imply that all religious leaders are donkies, but I am reminded of how in Numbers 22:15-41 God used Balaam’s ass to speak to him when he was disobedient.
Even though this info was apparently pulled out of somebody's ass, this woman believes DC should be concerned:
Will the National Guard be “on call” to help calm the waters and will there be sharp shooters on the rooftops? Airspace over the Capitol will be forbidden
And who is this modern Joshua?
While Beck refers to faith and often tells us to pray for the best but expect the worst, I am in no way suggesting that Glenn Beck is Joshua in supernatural form and the idea for an August 28th gathering in Washington is a “Jericho” type of event. Glenn himself would disclaim such a silly thought but only time will tell if the outcome of this event will have some spiritual implications. Glenn quotes Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” He admits a couple years ago he knew nothing about such political battles. He was a drunk and a radio jock...
Glenn Beck.. right. And who is Glenn Beck's mentor?
Guests on his show like David Barton of Wallbuilders have been instrumental in giving Glenn a crash course....
David Barton was Michele Bachmann's mentor too:
Chris Rodda, Senior Research Director, Military Religious Freedom Foundation has a good article on Huffington Post called "The Idiocy of Texas and the Threat of David Barton". Rodda mentions Bachmann:
Another example of Barton's grossly exaggerated role in a state's curriculum development involves everyone's favorite nut of a congresswoman, Michele Bachmann. Back in September, when Barton had Bachmann on his radio show -- introducing her as "a rock solid lady," and a "real class act" -- he brought up his previous encounters with her, including this:As a matter of fact, I worked with her on history standards up in Minnesota -- doing some history legislation, and making sure that they could not censor religious references from history books.
So, what was Barton referring to here? Well, back in 2005, when Bachmann was still a senator in the Minnesota legislature, she and some of her fellow legislative wingnuts had bought -- hook, line, and sinker -- the wildly distorted story and propaganda about California banning the Declaration of Independence in public schools because it mentioned a creator. So, although existing Minnesota history standards already contained the use of the Declaration and other historical documents with religious content, Bachmann co-sponsored a completely unnecessary piece of legislation to "permit" these same documents that were already being used in the state's schools to be used in the state's schools, actually citing the bogus story about California banning the Declaration of Independence as a reason her unnecessary legislation was of the utmost importance. Barton's big role in all this? Well, he appeared before the Minnesota Senate Education Committee in support of Bachmann's legislation. Similar legislation had already been introduced by Minnesota state representative Mark Olson in 2001, and Olson, during a House Education Policy Committee hearing on his bill, had also brought in David Barton.
Of course, without the real explanations of the circumstances surrounding Barton's role in these state history education related proceedings, and relying only on the deceptive way in which Barton describes his involvement, anyone unfamiliar with him would think he sounds like somebody who has lots of legitimate experience in developing history curriculums and is sought out by other states for this expertise.
But, the biggest problem with Barton meddling with our country's textbooks is not his lack of qualifications. It's the fact that he's a big fat liar who will distort, misrepresent, and even fabricate historical events to further his Christian nationalist agenda and political ideology.
Here in two parts is an excerpt where the host spoke with Michele Bachmann about her theocratic agenda, The entire September 1st podcast can be found at the Wallbuilders LIve podcast archives
Part One:
Part Two:
This picture is from Rep. Mark Olson's campaign literature from 2006 shows Olson and Bachman with David Barton at the MN Legislature:

David Barton fan Bradlee Dean gave a plug to Glenn Beck's Lincoln Memorial fiasco last weekend:
Bradlee Dean & crew will be at the MN State Fair.
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