Pulido's coziness with the gay-bashing IFI was no more notable than that of some Minnesota elected officials' with You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Intl. Inc., a music ministry that brings punk rock evangelism into public schools in the Midwest. On a May 15 radio show, the ministry's front man, Bradlee Dean, applauded the call of some Muslims for violence against gay people. "Muslims are calling for the executions of homosexuals in America," Dean said. "This just shows you … they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians… . They know homosexuality is an abomination."
After Minnesota Independent writer Andy Birkey reported his comments, Dean backpedaled, saying he does not favor the execution of homosexuals. Despite those remarks, Republican State Rep. Tom Emmer defended the ministry as a "pro-traditional marriage group" composed of "nice people." And last November, Minnesota congresswoman and Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann was the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the ministry.
H/T The Cucking Stool.

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