GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann told MPR that the various rallies she participated in this past weekend in D.C. were not motivated by harsh feelings towards President Obama.
Bachmann held a "Tea Party Rally" on the Washington Monument grounds Saturday. It was one of several conservative gatherings she attended. According to the Star Tribune, Bachmann encouraged the crowd to shout the phrase "You lie!" during her rally. South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson had yelled the phrase at President Obama during an address to Congress.
I've suspected for some time that Bachmann doesn't really give a damn about the outrageous stuff she says. Bachmann gets a thrill from all the attention she gets for shouting nasty stuff about the other team (libruls, gays, Democrats, reality). Bachmann really never stopped being a cheerleader (yes she was - here's the pics).
Bachmann has morphed into The Cheerleader from Hell - and I call Bachmann that with absolutely no personal antipathy...
There's only one video uploaded to You Tube of a portion of Bachmann's speech on Saturday:

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