Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Birther Joseph Farah Blasts the Star Tribune for Bias Against Bachmann

World Net Daily's Joseph Farah has an article called "Media out to get Bachmann"

Rep. Michele Bachmann is a target of the local and national media for one very good reason – because she's an extremely effective advocate of the uniquely American-style of liberty, justice and morality.

I don't believe there is another elected official in America today who gets heat from my colleagues like Bachmann does. Sarah Palin does, of course, but she is no longer serving in office.

Part of the problem Bachmann faces is not just a hostile national press, but an extremely hostile local media.

Farah bases this assumption on one blog post about Bachmann appearing in a crazy movie that claims the U.S. is being taken over by Marxist radicals or whatever.

Skip to the end for the hysterical pitch for $$$.

Do you get the picture?

Can you imagine Bachmann's political adversaries ever having to deal with attacks like this?

It would never happen. They play by different rules. When you're a Michele Bachmann, you have to run not just against challengers from the other party, but against an entrenched media establishment, too.

And that's why every freedom-loving American should support Michele Bachmann in her re-election effort this fall.

Bachmann, who will be a speaker at WND's "Taking America Back" conference this fall, is the real deal – guts, convictions, the ability to articulate the vision, fearless, uncompromising. We need to support incumbents like her when we take the Congress back in November.

Farah tweets that his birther book is his "Tea Party Manifesto". Farah wants to put billboards up all over the nation asking "where's the birth certificate?"

"What I need Americans to understand is that this billboard campaign is working," said Farah. "There is no shortage of billboards available to us. The only thing there's a shortage of is the money to erect them. We need to raise tens of thousands of dollars a month just to keep them in place."

"The impact of the billboards is magnified by local television and talk-radio shows in every market they enter," explains Farah. "It's not just the billboard. It's the earned media that comes along with it. It's astounding. We have turned millions of people around on this issue with the billboards. It's just that simple."

Here's a couple of billboards I'd like to see:




Bachmann will be appearing at a conference with Farah and other nuts in September.

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