Monday, June 14, 2010

Why Doesn't Bachmann Support Federal Law Enforcement Officers?

The comments keep coming on the Bradlee Dean videos. Here's one from the You Tube video "Michele Bachmann Raising $$$ for Bradlee Dean"

What sick, hate filled, moronic rhetoric these "people" spew. I would LOVE to believe there is a God so these examples of the worst of humanity would be getting a rude awakening when their "God of love" punsishes them for an eternity for promoting only hate.

It does my heart good to see them so filled with anger and frustration. It must drive them NUTS that America is moving away from the hate they are so filled with. Here's hoping the frustration explodes their tiny little brains.

Something I've been wondering about lately - why don't you hear Republicans talking about "law and order" anymore?

Why isn't Bachmann talking about law and order? Bachmann's only committee assignment is the House Financial Services Committee so you'd think she would be concerned that Minnesota is suffering a plague of Ponzi schemes.

You'd think she'd be supporting the men and women on the front lines fighting that plague - the Federal agents who investigated and helped prosecute Tom Petters. Financial crime is a serious problem that effects all of us.

There's still a chance for Bachmann to show her support for Federal law enforcement by attending the “Serving Openly, With Pride" event with U.S. Marshal for the District of Minnesota Sharon Lubinski, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Senator Amy Klobuchar and others.

Reporters need to ask Bachmann whether she shares the opinion of her favorite punk preacher Bradlee Dean that U.S. Marshal Sharon Lubinski should not have been appointed because Bradlee Dean considers her a criminal.

H/T MnIndy

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