Friday, January 22, 2010

Clark Campaign Challenges Michele Bachmann to Denounce Fake Census

From the Tarryl Clark campaign:

January 22, 2010

Contact: Andrea Mokros


Bachmann opposes the Census that helps Minnesotans, yet stays silent on the “census” that raises money to assist campaigns like hers

Voters across Minnesota have opened their mailboxes to find a “2010 Congressional District Census,” covered with ominous markings such as “do not destroy” and “Official Document.” But at the end of 36 personal questions asking respondents to divulge their age, how they vote and even what television stations they watch, voters are not asked to return their document to the U.S. Government, but to return a contribution to the Republican National Committee.

So where does Michele Bachmann stand on this misleading request for personal information? After all, she openly expressed her fears that the information collected in the official U.S. Census, which she described as “very intricate, very personal,” would be abused, according to the Washington Times (6/17/09):

"I know for my family the only question we will be answering is how many people are in our home. We won't be answering any information beyond that, because the Constitution doesn't require any information beyond that."

That’s what Bachmann said of the actual Census, which is critical to ensuring Minnesotans are counted and our state is eligible for vital services. But the fake census? Nothing.

“Congresswoman Bachmann seems to think the actual census is a violation of privacy. But she apparently isn’t willing to denounce an actual, deceitful violation of privacy by her own party. Will she stay silent so she can continue to curry the favor of national conservatives?” said campaign manager Zach Rodvold. “The information Minnesotans volunteer in the U.S. Census could make the difference in millions of federal dollars coming to our state for roads, schools and jobs – yet Michele Bachmann has openly discouraged participation. But when it comes to providing personal information and contributing to her conservative allies in Washington, she remains silent. It’s just one more example of how Michele Bachmann puts her personal agenda ahead of the needs of Minnesotans.”

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