Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Will Michele Bachmann's Pal Bradlee Dean Say About Uganda's Kill the Gays Proposed Law?

From commenter PR Chris:

I sent the following email to YCRBYCH (Bradlee's "ministry"):

I listened to the ridiculous radio clip where he says "homosexuality is against the law". "Sodomy is against the law". What century does he live in?????

I am a Christian bible believing minister. I am also a scientist, and I understand biology. Bradlee, homosexuality is INNATE; the drive varies among the individual. HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES AGAINST THE LAW! (Perhaps you are confused with Uganda????). Why do you think Rep Frank is a member of Congress...do you REALLY think that if his being a homosexual was illegal that he would hold such an office? Don't you think SOMEONE who is as ignorant and hateful as you would have gotten him convicted by now? The reason is, that neither homosexuality, nor sodomy is illegal. The Supreme Court has ruled that what two people who are adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is no business of anyone else.

You may believe that homosexuality is the biggest sin; many other Christians do not. I believe murder and spewing hate are much more serious than living as a person is made to be. (And if you believe that homosexuality is a choice...then when did YOU choose to be straight? Don't know? You've always been that way? That's the point. It is the same experience for gays.)

So, quit hiding your hate behind so-called "Christian" faith, because you aren't one. The FIRST COMMANDMENT IS TO LOVE GOD The SECOND IS TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. Jesus said that's the entire sum of the Commandments. So, quit spewing hate and try and be a good Christian boy.

And, oh, yes, I'm not Homosexual, so don't think that is my reason for acting. But I have read, prayed, thought, etc., about what it means that God created people whose sexual preference is different. And you know, God don't make no junk!

Pr Chris

TODAY (Tuesday) I GOT A RESPONSE FROM YCRBYCH that says "Bradlee will address this on air Saturday..." Can anyone post when and what station this will be? Especially, since my ability to get this might be limited, can we have some who will listen (if you can stand to Frown ) and see what he says????

Bradlee Dean is on AM 1280 the Patriot Radio on Saturdays between 3 and 5 PM.

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