Monday, January 18, 2010

Michele Bachmann Trolling for Stories on Minnesota's Teachers

Originally posted: 5/8/05.

From the Teen Age Republican site here:

Senate Assistant Minority Leader Michele Bachman [sic] is working on a project that may help us all learn and participate in democracy more freely.

As Teenage Republicans, I'm sure that many of you have had trouble or conflict in your schools in regards to your teachers or administrators not looking favorably towards your conservative view points. These days it seems that anyone who expresses an opinion, or philosophical belief that differs from the pro diversity, pro homosexual, pro environment, or anti-war crowd of High School, often faces countless roadblocks when trying to express their views or form student-led clubs.

Administrations expect that student-led political orientated groups refrain from actually challenging students to think critically, (With the exception of GSL, Diversity, and Environment clubs of course). Our number one difficulty with affiliating TAR Clubs with schools is that school administrations have fear of "controversy" in the school. They would rather we remain silent on important issues to avoid getting phone calls. Unfortunately this contributes to the social shield in public High Schools that protect teenagers form the reality of the real world.

One other really common problem is indoctrination. Indoctrination means the intentional teaching of something in a way sought to persuade one to think a certain way. In the classroom you may have had an incident or two where you had a teacher that has been out right biased against conservative thinking. Maybe it is a science teacher who openly bashes President Bush, or maybe a history teacher who spends weeks on the hippie movement, but runs out of time to talk about Ronald Reagan and the end of the cold war.

Whatever the story is, Senator Michele Bachman [sic] WANTS TO HEAR IT! She is working on a project that may even lead to future legislation towards reversing this trend. She will be putting together a scrap book of stories from all across the state. If you have experienced any kind of social or academic injustice at your school, or know some one who has. Even if it is just a small story, send it to Michelle Bachmann at Please feel free to be as detailed as you wish, Include the school name, Teacher name, Course Title, dates relevant, anything that you want to have heard! Senator Bachman [sic] looks forward to your responses.

It's Bachmann with two Ns - the store that sells gardening products has no relationship with Michele Bachmann.

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