Saturday, January 30, 2010

Former Republican Party Chair Ron Carey to be Michele Bachmann's New Chief of Staff

Residual Forces:

Can You Say Predicament?
January 29th, 2010

Former Republican Party of Minnesota Chair Ron Carey is going to be Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s Chief of Staff starting in February,


My first one is where should I go for vacation in October? I figure my volunteering on the campaign will be about as welcome as a root canal with Carey in charge for the 2010 grind. Look our shared history of dislike for each other’s work is going to be a problem.

I got the news yesterday and am still digesting it so I am not sure if it is good or bad. But I am leaning towards bad.

More later on this, maybe. But I would appreciate some thoughts from people.

Do you think this is a mistake? Could it cost her her seat?

From the comments:

bmetzler says:
January 29, 2010 at 8:18 am

WHAT? Bachmann’s strange comments, her associations with Ron Paul and the tea party groups, and you ask if her Chief of Staff is going to cost her the seat? Hardly! But at least you’ll have someone to pin the blame on now if she loses. congrats.

Take home message. Even the Republican base thinks Michele Bachmann is a kook.

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