Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Commenters Weigh in on Michele Bachmann's Website Scrubbing

From the DB comments:

Wellstone's Ghost
Correct Anna, Marcus's PhD Dissertation was something like 103 pages, INCLUDING charts, index, footnotes. My Proposal was longer than that. As I recall he did some kind of study on pre-school kids; that certainly qualifies him to be a de-gayer "Doctor".
And I believe Marcus also has an Oral Roberts degree like Michele who got her law degree the year her school failed and was rolled into "Regents University" of Monica Goodling fame.

"Your Law Degree in 30 minutes or the oil change is Free", Bill Maher.
Today, 3:58:11 AM
It's still listed on her official congressional bio.

I guess Michele will need to get a bigger loofa to scrub that one. Maybe she can talk to her pal Bill O'Reilly.
Yesterday, 11:42:25 PM
Bachmann hasn't been authorized to practice law in Minnesota for years.

Yet she still says she "is" a tax litigation attorney, and the lame media never challenge her on that. That's as phony as that "Dr." title she used to parade around behind.

She was admitted to the Minnesota bar in 1986. However, she's never shown any evidence that she's had anything but a government job: IRS tax collection lawyer, state senator, congresswoman. Just another fraudulent teabagger waiting for her next gummint paycheck or farm subsidy check or check for gummint referrals to her pray-away-the-gay clinic.
Yesterday, 9:13:29 PM
"they own a small business mental health care practice that employs 42 people"

-none of whom receive health care benefits....why?

because health insurance costs are so high....why?

because the government can't negotiate prices for anything regarding health care....why?

because politicians like Michele Bachmann protect the health care industry by denying a level playing field for constituents seeking health coverage....why?

because anything that smacks of a level playing field in this country is seen as un-american and communist...just ask Michele Bachmann and her husband.


Here's the text of her official congressional bio, just in case she gets the big loofah to scrub it.

BACHMANN, Michele, a Representative from Minnesota; born in Waterloo, Buchanan County, Iowa, April 6, 1956; graduated from Anoka High School, Anoka, Minn., 1974; B.A., Winona State University, Winona, Minn., 1978; J.D. Coburn School of Law, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Okla., 1986; L.L.M., College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., 1988; lawyer, private practice; attorney, United States Treasury Department; member of the Minnesota state senate; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Tenth Congress and to the succeeding Congress (January 3, 2007-present).

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