Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bachmann Listed in Program, but Did Not Attend Memorial Day Ceremony at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery

A comment from a reader:

I was at the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Michele Bachmann was listed on the program but I did not see her, nor was her presence acknowledged. Gov. Pawlenty and Sen. Klobuchar were there and spoke. Both have been there many times. Other dignitaries were there and noted. I have been going to the ceremony for decades and have yet to see Congresswoman Bachmann there. Why do you get put on the program and yet not attend? This is another example of Michele Bachman "mailing it in" for our MN troops. She has plenty of time for cable shows to promote herself. When does she start working for her constituents and not her self promotion. Michele Bachmann is not a friend of our proud sons and daughters of Minnesota serving in uniform.

Another reader, Betty comments:

No surprise. After a funeral for a local soldier killed in Iraq, Michele Bachmann and her entourage tried in vain to convince parking volunteers that they BELONGED near the beginning of the motorcade to the cemetary. The Bachmanns were not family friends. Just a grandstanding politician.

Typical. Veterans are just campaign props to Bachmann.

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