Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Exodus International Throws Bradlee Dean and his Ministry of Hate Under the Bus

The repulsive ex-gay "ministry" Exodus International found Michele Bachmann's favorite long-haired, hard-rock preacher too odious even for them.

From the Exodus International blog:

I was alerted to Dr. Warren Throckmorton’s post about Bradlee Dean’s (pictured) public comments saying that Muslim countries who call for homosexuals to be killed are more “moral” than American Christians. I listened to the segment of Mr. Dean’s radio program and was shocked.


Using Old Testament scriptures to condemn a person to death is not “loving” … it is incomplete theology and powerfully irresponsible. To say that murderous actions are more “moral” than tolerating free will is to completely ignore that Jesus did not call for the deaths of sinners. He died and paid the price for all of our sin, including those of us who have or do struggle with homosexuality. He paid that transcendent price and still left us with the free will to believe in Him or not. That’s what makes faith in Him authentic and not coerced.

Oh, right ... he's shocked, shocked that someone would take that short step from vilifying a minority to calling for the arrest, incarceration and execution of that minority.

I will have related post about this today - stay tuned.

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