Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stillwater Gazette Editorial: "Bachmann expects too much from Obama with the oil spill"

Roe Pressley in the Stillwater Gazette:

Local talking head and rightwing darling Michele Bachmann was in the news again recently, once again embarrassing the heck out of me, my family and most of my friends who claim any hometown allegiance to the Stillwater area.

My failure to acknowledge her as a politician above was intentional, as I am not aware of one thing she has done to accurately represent me in Congress. Instead, since the time I became aware of her existence, she's made a trademark of her passion for lashing out against her political opponents with childish, off-the-cuff rants and illogical remarks about everything from anti-American witch hunts to separation of church and state to U.S. Census paranoia to blood covenants.

But her latest gaff really takes the cake. She recently stated that President Obama should have taken a less hands-off approach to the BP oil spill, even insisting the government should have "commandeered" ships early on to "deal with" the oil plume.

Read the whole thing.

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