Monday, May 17, 2010

Birther Joseph Farah's 2012 Ticket: Jim DeMint and Rep. Michele Bachmann.

MnIndy posts the picture of Bachmann and Orly Taitz and asks "Is Bachmann supporting the birther movement?"

Reporters should ask Bachmann whether she supports the birthers.

Joseph Farah, CEO and founder of WorldNetDaily another prominent birther has this to say in an WND editorial:

Is there anyone who can do that and be a consistently effective president – the kind of leader who can undo the damage inflicted by Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?

If we had to vote today for president and vice president and could choose anyone for those positions, I can tell you who would get my write-in votes – Sen. Jim DeMint and Rep. Michele Bachmann.

I have watched this pair closely and carefully over the last few years, and I have been impressed with their ideas, their courage, their consistency and their leadership.

This is a team that could excite the base, win the election and have the conviction to roll back the Obama destruction. Maybe there are others out there who could do it, too. I hope so. But, as for me, I'm glad I was able to find a ticket that is not only viable, but enviable.

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