Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is Phyllis Schlafly Supporting Bachmann for President?

Use the process of elimination in this quote from Newsmax.com:

Asked which GOP contender she'd like to see nominated for president, and offered the choices of Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Gen. David Petraeus, Mike Huckabee, and Ron Paul, the conservative firebrand answered: "None of the above."

Who does that leave?

She said it is important for the party to nominate someone without a lot of controversial political baggage. "The issue in the next presidential election should be, 'Do you or don't you like administration of Barack Obama?'" she said.

Schlafly, who is often credited with single-handedly stopping the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, added that Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin draw intense criticism because feminists see them as a threat.

"They are successful women," Schlafly told Newsmax. "And you need to understand that the main goal of the feminists is to make women feel they are victims of an oppressive, patriarchal society. And both Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are successful women. They've both got a neat husband, a lot of children, they have been successful in politics -- and that is what the feminists absolutely cannot stand."

Apparently, Phyllis Schlafly doesn't agree with Bachmann's favorite Punk Preacher, Bradlee Dean that the reason Bachmann and Palin's are leading the GOP is Republican men are "compromised".

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