Minnesota Republicans Support Christian Kill-the-Gays ‘Ministry’ in Schools
Minnesota Republican candidate for governor Tom Emmer apparently violated campaign finance laws when his campaign donated twice the legal limit to a Christian punk-rock group which teaches public-school students that it’s “moral” to kill homosexuals.
The Minnesota Independent made the disclosure in two stories today.
Like Exodus International, this band — named You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Intl., and led by self-styled minister Bradlee Dean – claims to be bringing the “message of Christ” to youth: In this case, a message of righteous murder.
MPR's Tom Sheck downplayed Bradlee Dean's violent hate speech:
Republican Tom Emmer's campaign for governor announced today that it has notified the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board that Emmer's legislative campaign made a 2008 donation that exceeded the legal limit. Emmer's Minnesota House campaign reported giving $250 to a group called You Can Run International. The group's front man, Bradlee Dean, has been criticized for making controversial statements about gays.
Karl responds with this comment:
"Controversial statements about gays?" Come on, Tom, you can do better than that. Emmer donated to an organization that says executing gays is "moral." Here's the money quote from Bradlee Dean from the MnIndy story:
“Muslims are calling for the executions of homosexuals in America,” Dean said on YCR’s May 15 radio show on AM 1280 the Patriot. “This just shows you they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of the Judeo-Christian God, but they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do, because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality is an abomination.”
The campaign finance violation isn't the story here. The real story is the GOP nominee for governor donating money to an organization whose leader believes--and publicly espouses-- that executing gays is moral. When can we expect to see MPR ask Tom Emmer whether he supports Bradlee Dean's concept of morality, and if he doesn't, why is he donating money to his cause?
Exactly. We're talking about a group of bullies that broadcasts its message of religious intolerance and murderous hatred of innocent citizens on the public airways for four hours every week and podcast on the internet. How is AM 1280 The Patriot different than Radio Rwanda?
The Strib seems to think this is an insignificant story about the legality of Emmer's donation instead of the group of hatemongers that received the donation. Here's quote that end's Rachel E. Stassen-Berger's blog post:
Earlier this year, before Dean's comment about executions, Emmer praised the work of You Can't Run but said he wasn't going to be held responsible for all of the views of those involved.
"My understanding is that it’s a Christian-based ministry that’s about family, that is about respect for yourself….I know that they’re a pro-marriage, pro-traditional marriage group," he said.
He said he had attended a fundraiser for them and was on their radio show a few times.
"These are nice people. Are we going to agree on everything? No....I really appreciate their passion and you know what I respect their point of view," he said. "I respect their right to have whatever view. That’s what makes it a great country. You don’t have to agree with it."
Bradlee Dean and YCRBYCH are "nice people"? Let's review some of what Bradlee Dean and his gang have done and said:
Tattooed, right-wing-Xtian rocker Bradlee Dean and his sidekick Jake apparently crashed a DFL meet & greet in Cokato a a few months ago and "confronted" gubernatorial candidate John Marty on his support for marriage equality (video here).
Bradlee Dean's sidekick Jake "confronts homosexuality" (video here).
Dean on his AM 1250 The Patriot Sons of Libery radio show also called President Obama a "domestic enemy"
Bradlee Dean has also called a recent U.S. Marshal appointment illegal because she is a lesbian.
Bradlee Dean is a stalwart supporter of Tom Petters and has compared Tom Petters to Jesus.
You Can Run But You Cannot Hide (YCRBYCH) uses deception to gain access to public schools to harass and abuse students:
Bradlee Dean was described in this Weekly Standard article as a "gold-plated conspiracy theorist who will readily hold forth on the mysterious plane crashes of Paul Wellstone and John Kennedy Jr., how Oswald didn't act alone, how O.J. Simpson might've been framed ("He's driving down the freeway, all of the sudden there's this helicopter on his truck--how convenient!"), and how the moon-landing was faked in a television studio...."
This is the 2009 You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International "promotional video". Note the fleet of custom-painted YCRBYCH vehicles:
In this audio clip, Bradlee Dean claims he and other "righteous men" are followed by helicopters:
In this audio clip, Bradlee Dean talks about Bachmann's Bathroom-gate incident and talks about gays and why the U.S. is a Christian nation:
In this audio clip, Bradley Dean has a conversation with a birther who says she knows of a U.S. Marine who told her her Marines are "duty-bound to take out the Supreme Court Justices and this President..." Bradlee Dean responds with "the resistance is building more and more":
Listen to Bradlee Dean ranting about gays, environmentalists and the "Communist Manifesto":
There are lots of videos on You Tube about Bradlee Dean and his band Junkyard Prophet In this video, Bradlee Dean shows off his tattoos (tattoos are forbidden in the Bible))
In 2006, Bachmann attended a fundraiser in Minneapolis for YCRBYCH and said this prayer for the ministry:
Here is a letter from Bachmann's district office manager, Julie Quist.

The mainstream media needs to find out why Emmer, Bachmann and others in the MN GOP leadership seem to have the same fatal, cult-like attraction for Bradlee Dean that the Romanovs had for Rasputin.
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