Monday, May 10, 2010

Hilarious WCCO Puff Piece About Bachmann

Link to WCCO video.

From the transcript:

A busy elected official, Congresswoman Bachmann crosses the country speaking at rallies and conventions about policies she believes in.

"They care more about her policies. I care more about her dinners," said her son Harrison Bachmann.

But on this Mother's Day, she is just Mom.

"We don't think she's famous. I think for us she has always been mom and that's just kind of how it is," said son Lucas Bachmann.

Mother's Day in the Bachmann home usually includes three generations having conversations and a meal together.

"When I think of Mother's Day I usually am thinking of my own mother; honoring her and honoring my grandmothers and then, of course, now this is the thrill to have all these kids. So I'm just grateful that they are all here," said Bachmann.

On this day, four of Bachmann's five biological children and the family dog, Boomer, gather to honor her.

Too bad Mr. Michele Bachmann didn't get a chance to speak.

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