I am busy preparing a power point for the Fourth Annual Encaustic Painting Conference at the Montserrat College of Art in Beverly, Mass. It is called The Encaustic Studio.
It is a national look into several artist's studios that are using encaustic.
It has been quite a learning experience putting this project together, and I have many thoughts, images and information for future blog posts.
Last week I decided to take a few photos of my studio which is in a holding pattern at the moment.
The studio is in my basement.
Walking into the studio from the outside door are works that are in progress or finished.
My setup for encaustic and a pile of small works I have been working on.
Collection of paints and my " intricate" wiring system
The painting table that my husband built for me 20 years ago.
It is a signed piece.
Years of dried of paint
A process shot from a few weeks ago
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