Here's the description on the You Tube video:
Sons of Liberty out at the GLBT lobby day. Where Law ends Tyranny begins. Sodomy is illegal! Keeping this law is not Hatred, unless the law protects crime.
Here's the video:
A comment on the video:
What law are you talking about? Sodomy laws have been ruled unconstituional. And if you are so concerned about sodomy I suggest you focus your efforts on heterosexuals where you will find a way bigger audience of sodomites. As far as your whining of tyranny, look in the mirror. YOU are the tyrants, imposing YOUR views on others. No one is infringing on your freedoms, despite your ridiculous claims to the contrary. You do not speak for Christianity, only a very small portion.
Michele Bachmann has been a stalwart supporter of YCRBYCH. Listen to her prayer for YCRBYCH here.
Bachmann isn't the only GOP candidate supporting YCRBYCH. Here's GOP gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer & the YCRBYCH guys at the recent GOP convention:

Comment from DB reader CM:
These guys have a strange idea of what law is.
America is not (yet) a theocracy, American laws are based on your constitution rather than the Bible. End of story.
But my favorite part is at about 1:38 where he is condemns a Rabi for not sharing the love of Christ with the audience.
Also insisting that the Christian Bible is the infallible word of God to Jews is way insensitive. Also note Jake, when quoting Leviticus, bears his naked arms festooned with ungodly, forbidden tattoos.
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:28
The mainstream media needs to ask Bachmann and Emmer how they can support this extremist, bigoted, so-called ministry.
During the 2008 campaign season, Michele Bachmann made an issue of Barack Obama's "associations" with Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"Why isn’t it appropriate to ask about the formative relationships he’s had? The types of relationships that may have influenced Barack Obama’s views on public policy and on government decision making? Why is the media more intent on learning the type of plumbing license Joe the Plumber has than on exploring the obvious questions about Barack Obama’s formative relationships with people such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers — people with views far outside the mainstream, where most voters find themselves?"
Why isn't the mainstream media asking the same questions about Bachmann and Emmer's "formative relationships " with YCRBYCH?
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