Sunday, May 9, 2010

Breaking News: Michele Bachmann Visits Minnesota!

Commenter Lady notes:

Breaking News!!! Breaking News!!!!

Michele Bachmann was actually in Minnesota this Sunday!!! I just saw her on "At Issue" on Channel 5. I don't know if she was actually in her own district, but she was in the studio. Someone, QUICK, call the wires!!! AP, Reuters, .....

Towards the end of the interview she was asked about her "Jobs Forum", and she started talking about the Stimulus program being an "abject failure" and these forums were to "listen to people who create the jobs", and they would be able to come and "offer challenges and solutions" and hopeful be able to help get some legislation from there. I wish he would have asked why State Employment people were invited.

So, apparently, if you are looking for a job, this isn't the appropriate thing to attend, and you would probably get more help if you went to employment office. It sounded like a campaign event or a Chamber of Commerce event.

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