Monday, May 10, 2010

Tarryl Clark on Bachmann's "Self-Promotion at Taxpayer Expense"

Tarryl Clark's campaign website comments on Bachmann's mailer:

Bachmann promoted her forums with full-color, glossy, campaign-style mailers delivered to residents across the district. Bachmann also recorded and purchased 30 and 60-second radio ads across the Metro area on stations including K102 and KFAN, as well as a number of stations in and around Saint Cloud. All of the advertisements were paid with official, taxpayer dollars.

"Time after time, Michele Bachmann's agenda is about promoting herself instead of doing anything to help her constituents," said Zach Rodvold, Campaign Manager for Tarryl Clark's campaign for Congress. "And this time, Congresswoman Bachmann's constituents are footing the bill for ‘jobs forums' aimed at glossing over her dismal record on the most important issue in her district. So rather than paying for a series of forums to create or save jobs, her constituents are paying for a series of forums designed to save just one job: Congresswoman Bachmann's."

Bachmann's district has some of the state's highest rates of foreclosure and unemployment. Yet in nearly four years in Congress, Bachmann has opposed dozens of job-creation efforts and support for working families, including a minimum wage increase and extension of unemployment benefits. After years of inaction and opposition, Bachmann's tour today will "foster discussion" about jobs instead of creating them, and accept "written questions" from attendees, according to Bachmann's franked mailer.

Taxpayers won't know just how much this jobs tour-advertising blitz cost them until Bachmann's latest House franking records become public.

Bachmann's one-day self-promotional tour of her own district precedes a two-day campaign fundraising swing through California dubbed "Michele Bachmann Rocks CA."

"Bachmann can barely devote one day in her own district to address the most pressing issues facing families in the 6th District," said Rodvold. "The Bachmann Agenda puts Michele Bachmann and her own rock star status ahead of any real work for the people of her district. And, to add insult to injury, she's sticking taxpayers with the bill."

Also see mailers in this DB post.

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