Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Giddy" Bachmann Talks of "Fraud" at Right-Wing Freak Show

Bachmann calls Democrats "frauds" and compares them to "a madman".

An audience member asks Bachmann to run for president.

Bachmann talks about Donald Berwick, nominee to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as "another fraud from the White House" who is in favor of a "United Kingdom death system".

More about Bachmann's "giddy" speech at The Colorado Independent:

Calling herself “giddy” with the notion of effecting change, she Bachmann laid out an agenda that has been the wish list for conservative politicians and pundits for years. She said first and foremost reforms to social security, Medicare, and welfare need to be addressed.

“We reform social security, then we reform Medicare, then we pare back welfare to the truly needy, for the truly disabled, because, yes, we can make that determination. No welfare for those who violate America’s borders. Close and secure American boarders, cut the budget, limit our foreign entanglements for America, then we massively cut spending first, then we cut taxes.”

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