Monday, July 12, 2010

Bachmann Tweets That She Cleared Up Her "Opponents Lies" on WCCO

Bachmannn tweet:

Had the opportunity to tell the truth to Esme Muphy about BP and clear up my opponents lies. #mngop #tcot

Bachmann talked to Esme Murphy yesterday morning.

Bachmannn defended her statements about BP and repeated her claim that the fund for the victims of the BP disaster was "politicized":

"Now the President is personally doling out the twenty billion dollars through his pay czar, that's never happened before."

Did Bachmann have the same problem when President Bush appointed the same guy, Kenneth R. Feinberg (read profile of Feinberg here) to distribute 9/11 money? was that politicized? would it have been better for those victims to have to go to court to get their due?

WCCO's Pat Kessler fact-checked Tarryl Clark's ad and made this observation:

"If Bachmann lets BP off the hook, guess who's paying?" said the ad.

This is a FAIR charge ... and a real possibility.

Remember the Exxon Valdez oil spill? It took 20 years to sort through all those claims and, in the end the oil company was able to reduce damages from $2.5 billion to only $500 million.

Entire WCCO interview here. You Tube video with Bachmann spinning her BP statements:

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