Months after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and its well started gushing oil, the British petroleum giant says it has yet to decide how to handle claims filed by religious groups and other charitable organizations that are endangered because people can no longer afford to contribute.
Pastor Dan Brown prays BP PLC comes up with a solution quickly: He said he filed a $50,000 claim last month over lost revenues at Anchor Assembly of God. His small, storefront church outlived Hurricane Katrina and is now struggling because of the oil crisis.
Shrimpers and oystermen left jobless by the oil spill in this seafood town can barely afford to feed their families and pay their boat loans, much less give money to their church, Brown said. Giving and tithing is down by $12,000 over the last few weeks, he said, and the oil spill will cost another $38,000 in lost revenues over the next year, making up the total of the church's claim.
"You can't tithe what you don't have," said Brown, whose congregation operates a food bank and gives away bread each Sunday to help struggling families. "We're fighting for our lives just like a business."
Comment from Karl:
This sounds like exactly the kind of "fleecing" Bachmann was talking about. I can't wait to see her press release condemning this redistribution of wealth to churches and their phony claims.

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