Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is Bachmann the Benedict Arnold of the Tea Party Movement?

Former Bachmann Field Staff and Political Director Luke Hellier and MN-GOPer, MOB blogger and Bachmann fan Andy "AAArf" Aplikowski continued the back & forth twittering that was provoked by Hellier's tweeted demand that Missouri Tea Partiers "shut up" about Michele Bachmann's support for Roy Blunt instead of MO-TP favorite Chuck Purgason.

AAArf to Hellier:

@lukehellier So the new MDE & GOP insider is going to war w/ the #teaparty?

Luke Hellier to AAArf:

@AAARF if that means being on the same side as Michele Bachmann in the #MOSEN race, I guess so.

AAArf to Hellier:

@lukehellier You do realize you're playing into Dem hands w/this? Div Tea Party from GOP and its a 3rd cycle of Dem wins in Nov. #insanity


@lukehellier Prove why Blunt should get TeaParty votes. insulting MO TP will have effects in MN. Insane, but #SOP of MNGOP insiders. #advice

... and:

Has the GOP kicked the crony habit and lost its lust for power? Needs that before public will trust them. #itsdoubtful #tcot #teaprty

Luke tweeted his response thusly:

@AAARF are you kidding? Their candidate in Missouri is a joke. Tell them to get out of the way so we can send Roy Blunt to the Senate

Bachmann is scheduled to travel down to Missouri today and campaign for Roy Blunt:

Blunt also is trying to capture support from those who align with the tea party, even though many consider Purgason the tea party favorite. Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a tea party ally, was expected to make phone calls and appear on Blunt’s behalf today. Members of Missouri’s tea party organizations were outraged at the endorsement, saying they do not endorse candidates and that many do not support Blunt.

In this video, Bachmann compares the Tea Partiers to Paul Revere... perhaps the Tea Partiers should brush up on their Revolutionary War history and ask whether Bachmann has become another Benedict Arnold.

UPDATE: Bachmann isn't in Missouri today. The Strib:

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann canceled a scheduled campaign appearance in St. Louis, Mo., Saturday for GOP Senate candidate Roy Blunt after being hospitalized with an undisclosed illness.

The Minnesota Republican was apparently admitted to a Washington, D.C., area hospital Friday with what her office described as a "sudden illness." She missed several votes on the Gulf Oil spill just before the U.S. House adjourned for an August recess.

Bachmann spokesman Dave Dziok said she was in the hospital most of Friday and that doctors advised her to rest. He declined to reveal the nature of her illness.

The statement on Bachmann's congressional website:

Bachmann’s Absence in the U.S. House on Friday Due to Illness

Washington, Jul 30 - Today, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was admitted to the hospital due to a sudden illness. As a result, she was unable to participate in several votes in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday, July 30, 2010. The Congresswoman is currently resting this evening and on her way to a full and quick recovery.

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