Saturday, July 24, 2010

Letter: "Bachmann is an embarrassment to every thoughtful citizen "

Letter to the Stillwater Gazette:

There's no slavery in the 6th District

"We will talk a little bit about what has transpired in the last 18 months and would we count what has transpired into turning our country into a nation of slaves."

Residents of the 6th Congressional District, that quote is from our Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann.

Whether you're a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, you should be outraged at this ludicrous statement.

Having lived in Forest Lake for 10 years now, I just don't recall seeing anyone shackled in leg irons! No one has prevented me from shopping, or writing a letter to the editor, or having a beer at Stella's...

This nonsensical statement, one of many she's made, is an insult to EVERY man and woman who ever risked life and limb to keep this country free, and to all those who joined the fight to end real slavery in this country. What's more, Rep. Bachmann sorely owes a public apology to all the descendents of those who actually WERE slaves in the United States.

Bachmann is an embarrassment to every thoughtful citizen in our district. She has long overstayed her time as our representative in Congress. I urge you to join me in sending her back home to Stillwater where she'll no longer be the national embarrassment she is to us and to our nation.

Joseph Moriarity,

Forest Lake

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