Dear Tea Partiers in Missouri, Shut up. Blunt is going to win. - Luke
In another tweet, Luke Hellier explained why the unwashed rabble in Missouri should just shut up:
Ill take Michele Bachmann's instinct on a candidate over some guy riding his 15 minutes from Ohio
You got that teabaggers? Luke Hellier says Michele Bachmann IS the tea party movement and DON"T YOU FORGET IT!
Then, Hart Van Denburg at the City Pages Blotter took notice of Hellier's "shut up" tweet and reposted their hilarious Michele Bachmann vs. Joe The Plumber: Tale of the Tape P-Shopped fight card to illustrate the kerfuffle. Van Denburg noted that Hellier "had clearly decided to abandon Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican." To which Hellier responded:
@hartupnorth Tea partiers don't qualify under Reagan's 11th Commandment
Yee-Ha! Them's fightin' words!
Republican Bachmannistan and Misssouri Teabagistan are at war - a good, ol' fashioned feud... just like the Hatfields and McCoys!

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